Kateryna Kholodniak Kateryna Kholodniak

TP 5: The survivors' club
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss are going to practice speaking and talk about different emergency situations and also, they will read a summary of a book called "The Survivors Club" about people's reactions to disaster. We will focus on vocabulary, use the words that express feelings (devasted, stunned etc.) and practice their pronunciation.


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Abc English File Student's book
Fpposfyawhdydzfulsbe survivor PPP

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about "How to eat an elephant" in the context of the survivors' club

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluent and accurate speaking practice in the means of discussing ideas in groups and expressing students' point of view


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) I introduce myself to the Ss; 2) I ask Ss to write on pieces of paper their names; 3) I show Ss the picture of Robinson Crusoe and ask them to describe the situation the man on the picture is (Slide 1); Do you know this man is? Who is he? What is he doing? What life situation is he in? 4) After discussing man's situation, I will ask Ss to guess the topic of the lesson.

Pre-Reading (5-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1) I will first ask Ss if they had any serious life situations and how they managed to cope with them; 2) I ask the Ss to imagine the situation that they are all reading a magazine and there is a test of how people react in different life situations. 3) Ss work in pairs, answer the questions and discuss the answers they chose in pairs; 2) after that we discuss the best variant for each of the given situations.

While-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

1) I ask students to read the text for gist and answer the questions of ex.1b, p.44; 2) I set up the time limit for the Ss and remind St that they shouldn't worry about unknown words for now; 3) after Ss have read the text they discuss the answers to those questions in groups and then express their ideas for the whole class; 4) I ask Ss to look at the highlighted words and phrases and to try to work out what they mean. I remind them to read the whole sentence or paragraph. 5) I make sure Ss understood all the highlighted words and deal with some other new vocabulary items; 6) if these words are too difficult we will discuss them all together and drill the pronunciation; 7) Then I will ask Ss to use the highlighted words and phrases from the text and match them to the definitions; 8) Ss check their answers in pairs; 9) then I ask students to write the answers for each of the definitions on the board (Slide 2).

Post-Reading (8-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1) I divide students into 3 groups; 2) each group receive three different texts on different colour paper; 3) their task is to read the text and find the specific information about what should we do and what we shouldn't do in different emergency situations; 4) While Ss are working I am monitoring and helping them if they have questions; 5) then I ask the Ss to get into the groups of three and give each other information about surviving tips. Ss make notes while listening; 6) I ask the Ss to move back to their colour groups and we start checking what the Ss have learnt from their partners; 7) at the end of the lesson, I would like Ss to look back at their answers to questions 2-4 of the test if they chose the right answers.

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