Andrew Dib Andrew Dib

Going out - making arrangements
A1 level


In this lesson, SS will revise and practice functional language vocabulary using future time expressions in the context of making arrangements as part of the chapter "Going out".


Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of future time expression vocabulary in the context of making arrangements

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about conversations in the context of making arrangements


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context of making arrangements and to engage students

Start Powerpoint Presentation SS to discuss in pairs and write down what they see on the PP slide. 2 minutes Back to WC to share their thoughts. Next PP slide: SS work in pairs to discuss and write down what their partner says. 3 minutes

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for and to introduce the target language (future time expressions) through diary activity

Present HO and give instructions: > First thing, fold HO in half (demonstrate) > In pairs, look at the diary and answer questions. ICQ > On this side of the diary, what does this say? And what does it mean? And the other side? > And where would Today be? > What's the first thing you will do? > Take 3 or 4 minutes to finish. > From PP answer key, SS check answers with partner. Take 2 minutes

Highlighting (10-12 minutes) • To draw SS attention to the target language of 'the week' and future time expressions through listening activities

Part 1 - Display HO and instruct to work in pairs. > Unfold HO (demonstrate) > SS to listen to 5 short conversations, one at a time, with a small pause between each. > Listen for what the conversations are about? > Match the conversation number with the subjects on the bottom of HO. Display answer key on PP > Check answers with partners. Take 2 minutes. Part 2 - Play conversations again > Listen again and this time listen for when they are talking about for each one. And write numbers 12345 in the correct space in your diaries on the top of the page. ICQ > What will you listen for? > So if the meeting is next Friday where will you write that number? What other times might they say? > Work in pairs to discuss. > After finished: Place class into groups of 4, counting 1234. > SS to check each other's answers in groups. Take 2 minutes. Give Answer key on PP. Take 2 minutes.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of target language (this Saturday, next Wednesday, tomorrow morning, this afternoon, on Monday)

PP slide 6 > Ask SS to mark in diary on WB where the time expression fits. CCQ > Where does ... go in the diary? SEE Lang Analys > Drill > complete form, phonetics, stress and intonation on WB

Controlled practice (8-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare SS for freer practice

Staying in their groups...Display HO > SS to read what Alija says 1-7 on HO. > Pretend today is Tuesday 11 June. > Then working together in groups (with one person writing) complete her diary, writing in her diary something about 1-7 Next PP slide > So the first one says: Next Tuesday, I'm going to the Hairdresser. Where do you think you will write "Hairdresser"? > Take 5 minutes. FB > Get groups to swap. Take 2-3 minutes > Provide answer key on PP.

Free practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language and to practice speaking for fluency

Display HO - Instruct to fold under diary. > On their own, SS to write in their diaries three things they are doing this week or next week. 2 minutes When finished: > In pairs, SS to find out what days their partner is available and what days they have made plans. What are their plans? > SS to write down their partner's plans. And then swap. 3 minutes each. FB > Time permitting, get SS to tell another S the diary schedules of their partners

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