Michelle ("Shelly") Fears TP#2
A1 level

Main Aims
To provide students opportunity to gist read and for detail
Subsidiary Aims
To assess the student' vocabulary resource for talking about facilites in a city, and to add some iteam to this.
Procedure (34-41 minutes)
Think of a place you would like to visit. I would like to see Mount Nemrut, show on OHP
Ss to draw places they would like to visit on the WB Show the transportation signs--airport, bus, train. - Elicit these words by asking "what does this sign mean?" Elicit Airport, Airplane, Bus, Bus Station, Train Station, Train. - Could they go to the places by airplane? Train? Bus? Show the hotel, cafe, restaurant, church, and mosque pictures.
to provide Ss with new terms, useful in scheduling Role Play of Open and Close Times Assign one student the role of the close. Another student the open/close sign which will be posted on the door. Other students read the open and closing times which have been handed to them. CCQ: Where in Istanbul can I go shopping at night?
Ss will work in threes. They will select an item and see if they can purchase this item at 2:00 in the morning in Istanbul.
You will read the text alone quickly and answer "Where can you go shopping at night?" You will have 4 minutes to read the text and answer the question. ICQ: Will you read the text alone or in groups? Good. Check your answers with your group.
Read the text alone and answer the questions on handout. You have 5 minutes. ICQ Check: How many minutes do you have? Have Ss check their answers with a group of three people.
Ss to write a few sentences your city. Include when places are open or closed. Don't forget about holidays!