Christopher Sanders Christopher Sanders

Demo Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, a class of intermediate students will be exposed to and have the opportunity to practice various expressions of hospitality, with brief pronunciation practice, and a listening component.


Abc Speakers
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Projector

Main Aims

  • In this lesson, students will be exposed to and have chances to practice expression of hospitality.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will practice listening for detail as they try to identify errors in the speakers' behavior.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher (T) will begin by randomly greeting several students in different ways. ("Hi." "Hello." "How are you?" "How's it going?" "Good morning." "How do you do?" "What's up?" "S'up?" "Yo!" "Salamalekum") Then T will ask what he had been doing. Which ones did they hear? Were they formal or casual? Then T may ask some concept check questions ("How did you say hello to your friend this morning?" etc), depending on how well Ss seem to be grasping the warmer. Have Ss greet 3 of their neighbors, 1 formally, 1 semi-formally, and 1 casually. Monitor for accuracy. (A brief introduction may also be made.)

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T will preview words that may come up in the lesson by attempting to elicit the words from Ss through descriptions and pantomime where necessary. Potential lexis that may be needed: guest excuse (v) apologize permission offer empty-handed horrible title

Exposure 1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Play video clip, "Be Our Guest" from the Disney animation Beauty and the Beast (just 1 or 2 minutes). After clip, ask the students what was happening the clip.

Exposure 2 (9-12 minutes) • To provide familiarity with the unit's target lexis and function

T distributes "Welcoming" cards to students. (T keeps extras.) Ss read their cards - half of them have an expression of hospitality and half denote a situation - and then Ss look for the person whose card matches theirs. Ss may *not* show their cards. Ss with expressions should say their phrase to 'situation' Ss and that S will state their situation. If they think they are a match, they can sit down. Once all the pairs have been found, T asks them to think of an appropriate response for each phrase. Any clarification that is needed can be provided by T. ---OPTIONAL--- Judging by their pronunciation during the task, T may do some exercises with the expressions of hospitality.

Production (10-15 minutes) • To further engage schemata and relate personal experiences to the theme, with speaking and reading components

Ss will turn to page 98 in their Speakout books and answer the questions in ex. 2A with their partner. T will monitor production T may randomly ask some Ss for their answers. Ss will then read ex 2B. T will ask if there are any unknown or unclear lexis in the passage. T will ask some concept check questions to see if they've understood the material. - You are an Erasmus student in Europe. You go to your host family's apartment. Do you kiss their cheeks? Shake hands? - You meet your new professor, Dr. Rachel Woods. What do you call her? etc Then, T will ask them to talk in groups of 3-4 for 4-ish minutes and determine how the situations in 2B would be handled in their country. T will ask for some reported answers.

Input (5-7 minutes) • To provide a chance for Ss to listen to target lexis and practice listening for gist and listening for detail

Ss will listen to 6 short snippets of conversation. They will 1st determine if the speaker is asking for advice and/or making a mistake. Then, upon 2nd listening, Ss will complete the notes in ex. 5. Ss will compare answers with their partner. If time allows, Ss will do ex. 6 as well.

Productive Task(s) (7-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss will complete ex 7A on p99 (perhaps with partner or alone). 3-4 minutes for this task. T will then elicit answers from Ss, making corrections as needed. Time allowing, Ss will practice dialog with partners.

Wrap-up (1-2 minutes) • To close lesson with thematic lexis

T will say goodbye to class in different ways ("Goodbye" "So long" "Farewell" "Take care" "Chow" "Adios" "Gule gule", etc)

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