Adil Adil

Types of music
Junior 6 level


In this lesson, students will review types of music through multiple tasks. They will also have a free practice where they can talk about likes and dislikes, then they have to give opinions about music bands using object pronouns.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review of types of music in the context of music

Subsidiary Aims

  • -To provide a free practice for giving opinions about music bands and singers using object pronouns
  • - To provide a speaking controlled practice using likes and dislikes in the context of music


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Teacher starts by asking students which type of music they prefer in listening to in the following places ? At a party? - In a supermarket? - In a restaurant? - At home when you’re studying? - At home when you’re relaxing? - Teachers shows a couple of pictures of music bands and singers -Teacher ask students if they can recognize the music bands and singers - As feedback, teacher provides answers for each picture

Pesentation of vocabulary "Types of music" (4-8 minutes) • To present types of music and prepare students for an exercise

-Teacher plays different tracks of music. -In pair, students are given a handout where they have to guess the the type of music. -Teacher does a whole class feedback.

Controlled practice (2-7 minutes) • To practice likes and dsilikes in the context of music.

- Students are given a handout where they have to ask their friends about likes and dislikes about types of music. -Students mingle in class to ask each other questions. -at the final stage, teacher does a whole class feedback to find the most popular type of music.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of giving opinions about music bands and singers using object pronouns.

-Students are given a handout to find some one who ? -Students mingle in class and ask each other questions. -Students answer each other using object pronouns . - Teacher does an activity demo for clear instructions. - Students share ideas about their friends.

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