Narin Ayik Narin Ayik

What's the matter? TP7
Beginner A1-A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to find out if someone has a problem and to give suggestions/solutions. This is a functional language lesson and will include controlled, semi-controlled and freer practice at the end.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of functional language to understand a problem and learn how to ask the question and giving suggestions in the context of a dialogue between friends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To pre-teach some vocabulary items and phrases that will be useful to understand and put to practice through context of a dialogue between friends
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in conversations using functional language in the context of a dialogue between friends


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T. will instruct for Ss to look at ross emotions and whats friends 'could' be saying SS will watch a short video from an episode of "Friends" on MUTE where it will be paused at Ross where he looks upset > Elicit his emotion from Ss "How does he feel?" Then play where his friends are talking (still MUTED) to elicit the context. 2. Ask Ss what they think the friends are saying to ross? 3. Discuss in pairs/groups - FB - Get a few ideas but not too many

Pre-teach Vocab & Phrases (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss clarification of words they will find useful in lesson and outside of class

1. T gives HO where Ss have to put the correct word under the picture that they think is right 2. PP for FB with Answer Key - quick FB and little of drilling on specific words like "thirsty", "worried" 3. Ss will then get another HO where they have to match the problem(adj.) to a solution 4. T. will monitor to check if Ss are understanding the phrases and if not T. will note down common errors and go over meaning of phrases and form or pronunciation. 5. FB through PP and quick CCQs

Exposure - Dialogue (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. After Pre-teach vocab & phrases T. to elicit what Q would you ask to find out these emotions? "What's the matter?" 2. T will show a visual of two people and ask what they think is happening? and elicit dialogue together with the class. 3. Ss will then have a modal of a dialogue and T. will have Ss place a problem and solution they have learnt earlier 4. Students to discuss in pw/gw what else they can use that can relate to the visual 5. Monitor & note down errors 6. WC-FB very short

Highlighting & Clarification (4-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language Meaning, Form, Pronunciation

1. T to show PP slide of three marker sentences from dialogue and to clarify the meaning (negative/positive?) - (rude/polite) - Give copy of the dialogue HO so Ss could write form and stress to take home for themselves 2. To show intonations, sentence stresses and connected speech 3. Drill pronunciation and especially intonations - show that if stress was on another word it could change the meaning completely 4. CCQS!!!!! 5. WCFB

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. T to keep the modal sentences up on WB then gives a chance for Ss to work in pairs and create a new problem and solution using the same dialogue - CCQs!!!! 2. T to monitor in detail and take common errors and do FB right after this stage before freer practice 3. Error-Correction here!!!

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Give cut up HOs and have students find their partner (problem/solution) practice without the text using functional language 2. Delayed error-correction if time

Delyed error-correction (2-2 minutes) • To provide Ss with common errors and have them try fix it

-T. to note down common errors Ss are making and has them try to correct it first WCFB

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