Jonathon Burch Jonathon Burch

Two-verb structures: -ing or infinitive?
Upper Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, students learn about two-verb structures: "-ing or infinitive" through guided discovery exercises and later semi-controlled writing activities and freer speaking practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of two verb structures with -ing or infinitive in the context of a wedding story from previous lesson

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a the use of two verb structures with -ing and to infinitive in the context of wedding story taken from previous lesson


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To generate interest in the lesson topic

As the previous lesson will set the context and some of the material to be used in my lesson, I will only provide a brief lead-in where I inform the ss what they will be covering in this lesson.

First diagnostic test (5-6 minutes) • To test learners' current knowledge of an ability to use TL and identify what the issues are

Ss will receive handout 1 with an exercise consisting of an adapted text taken from the listening component of the previous lesson. Ss have to choose the correct verb form/s in the text and then discuss in pairs the meaning of the sentences. Feedback in pairs. Ss told answer key on back of handout. Teacher will monitor closely during exercise to determine how much ss already know and what will need clarifying.

Diagnostic test 2 (8-9 minutes) • To further test learners' current knowledge of an ability to use TL and identify what the issues are

Ss will receive handout 2 which consists of a series of sentences containing TL. Ss have to discuss the meaning of the verbs in each sentence. Feedback in pairs. Answer key on back. Teacher will monitor closely for errors and to determine how much clarification will need to take place.

Teach (clarifying) (6-7 minutes) • To clarify issues learners had with meaning so learners can understand it better.

Teacher will use power point presentation to clarify grammar points of TL. As much as possible answers will be elicited from Ss, who will also be asked to come to the WB to complete timelines that explain meaning of more complex sentences. OCFB.

Controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide controlled written practice focused on using TL accurately.

SS wil be given exercise 3 handout which consists of a short text where ss have to choose the correct verb form in six sentences. Feedback in pairs. Answer key on back. OCFB if warranted after monitoring.

Freer practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively

Ss will be given handout 4 with a list of phrases containing TL. Ss will work in pairs and will be encouraged to practice TL using the helping phrases on handout. Pair work and then swap partners. WC feedback if warranted. Delayed error correction if warranted. Ss given grammar handout at end of lesson to take home as reference.

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