Brent Brent

New Year's resolutions, future plans with be going to
Elementary, A1 level


In this lesson, students learn to talk about future plans with be going to in the context of New Year's resolutions. The lessons starts with some pictures of resolutions and students guess which resolution resolution each picture is depicting. Students check their answers with a list of resolutions and then make sentences. A focus on form sections provides more example sentences which are mixed up. Students write the sentences in a box and then work out the rules for using be going to. The next stage focuses on the pronunciation of 'gonna' where the students are drilled with questions and answers. The teacher also uses example sentences from a question that students asked their fellow classmates. In the final stage, students use example sentences to make questions with be going to and make two questions of their own. Students interview their partner and write their partner's response in the spaces provided. Students report back to the class information they elicited from their partner about future plans.


Abc Handout, side 1
Abc Handout, side 2
Abc PowerPoint

Main Aims

  • To provide practice talking about future plans with be going to in the context of New Year's resolutions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in gathering information from a second party (a classmate) and reporting the information back to a third party (the class).


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context of New Year's resolutions and engage students

Teacher points to the picture of the woman in the Powerpoint and says, this is my friend Sally. What is she thinking about? Teacher tries to elicit New Year's resolutions. If students do not mention resolutions, Teacher tells class to think about New Year's from the last lesson. Teacher asks the class, what is she going to do? What is her New Year's resolution? (she's going to lose weight) Teacher tells class to talk in pairs and use the pictures. What else is she going to do? After two minutes, students share their ideas with the class.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for be going to through a list of Sally's New Year's resolutions

Teacher tells the class that Sally wrote a list of her New Year's resolutions. Teacher passes out Handout, side 1 and tells students to read her resolutions. After one minute, teacher asks the class, what is she going to do? Sally's going to lose weight. Teacher tells class to work in pairs and write sentences for the other resolutions. Students share their answers with the class. If students did not make resolutions in the previous lesson, teacher tells class to take three minutes and write a few of their own resolutions and then share with the class.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to be going to

Teacher asks the class, did Sally plan her resolutions? did she make a list? is this past, present, future? Using the timeline, teacher highlights that be going to comes before "now" to talk about future plans. Teacher highlights that "will" is used for future plans decided right now. Teacher tells the class to look at 2a) and underline the right word.Teacher says, the first one is finished. Teacher tells students to compare answers. Students share their answers with the class.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of be going to

Teacher asks the class, did Sally plan her resolutions? did she make a list? is this past, present, future? Using the timeline, teacher highlights that be going to comes before "now" to talk about future plans. Teacher highlights that "will" is used for future plans decided right now. Teacher tells the class to look at 2c) and underline the right word.Teacher says, the first one is finished. Teacher tells students to compare answers. Students share their answers with the class. Teacher tells the class to turn the Handout to side 2 and ask a partner, what are you going to do after class? Teacher tells students to write their partners response on the line, for example, He's going to watch TV. After one minute, teacher goes over the pronunciation of 'gonna', Teacher drills the class with the questions and answers. Teacher asks, what is your partner going to do after class? Teacher writes responses on the board, asking where is the stress? Teacher uses example sentences to drill students.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher tells students to write questions with you and be going to in 4a).Teacher tells students to compare with a partner and then has volunteers write the questions on the board. Teacher drills pronunciation as necessary.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice with Wh-questions and be going to

Teacher tells students to write two questions of their own using be going to. Teacher counts students off and has them work with a partner who has the same number. Teacher tells students to ask their partner the questions and write the answers. Teacher models the activity by asking a student two questions and then writing it on the board.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language by reporting back to the class information they gathered

Teacher tells the class that each student will stand up and present their interview. Teacher models the activity. For example, I talked to Hassan. After class he's going to take the metro home and he's going to read the newspaper. Teacher tries to record mistakes on a piece of paper. Students stand up and present. Time permitting, teacher writes some of the mistakes on the board and asks students to correct the mistakes and drills any additional pronunciation errors.

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