Reading lesson- Haya Zaghal TP5
Elementary A2 level
Main Aims
By the end of this lesson the students will be able to read for gist and specific information in the context of film and television
Subsidiary Aims
To provide the students will be able to use the ideas and vocabulary learnt from the text in a speaking activity
Procedure (45-55 minutes)
the students will see a sentence on the board that says 'Television is' and the be asked a question: What do you think of the Television? [give me two ideas from a partner here the students' schemata should be activated and say whatever ideas and vocabulary they might have stored
1. The students will be pre-taught the vocabulary from the text in a task where are given some pictures and they need to match it with the right vocab in pairs. After that they will have a WB feedback 2. they will be given the text without the heading but with its pictures they will need to skim very quickly and try to guess what it is about. [ What is this text about? What do you think is the general idea?]
1.The Ss will read the text quickly and will have three questions to answer on a different piece of paper which will have the answer key folded underneath 2. they are reading for specific information so they will scan the text and then discuss their answers with a partner 3. WC feedback
1. The students will be given new kind of questions on 4 different colored paper to group them 2. have them read the text the third time and answer the questions given 3. discuss them with their partners then have the answer keys unfolded and checked 4. they will have a WC afterwards
Students will be given a 'find someone who' chart and need to find someone that matches the questions or sentences on there. teacher will demonstrate on the board Instructions: stand up and ask your friends these questions if the person says yes, write his name if not then don't