Anna Anna

TP 5b - Film and Television
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practice listening about TV programmes. They will first predict what the listening will be about, then listen to people talking about programmes they like/dislike. They will practice listening for gist and for details. Then, they will have a chance to practice speaking about the programmes they like.


Abc Match pictures & TV programmes
Abc Pictures of people
Abc Table for gist
Abc Sentences - order
Abc Detail questions
Abc Questions for speaking

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced their listening for gist and detailed comprehension in the context of people talking about TV programmes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will practice their speaking skills in the context of TV programmes and films.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The Ss

Vocabulary Review (3-5 minutes) • To unblock key lexis needed to help the students to understand the text

The Ss will match different pictures with types of TV programmes. The students will review some items of vocabulary (that they most probably already know). This task will facilitate the understanding of the listening. The Ss will be given an answer key to compare their answers with.

Prediction task (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and make it accessible

Based on pictures of 5 different people, Ss will predict which TV programmes the people may like or dislike. In this task, Ss will think about the content of the listening and will then have a reason to listen to the audio. Ss will work in groups of 3+ feedback as WC.

Listening for gist (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and listening tasks

Ss will listen for gist to get a general overview of the peopleĀ“s statements/like and dislikes. They will focus on the type of TV programme the 5 people are talking about and whether they like it. Ss will first work individually, then check their answers in pairs and will be finally given an answer key.

Listening for specific information (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

Ss will listen to the audio again and will put the sentences in the correct order. In this task, Ss will have to scan the audio for specific information.

Listening for detail (6-8 minutes) • To practice listening for detailed comprehension

Ss will listen to the audio one more time to get a more detailed comprehension of the peopleĀ“s answers. First they will work individually, then check in pairs. Finally WC feedback.

Speaking task (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ss will practice their speaking in the context of TV programmes. In groups of three, they will talk about their television habits. Based on questions, Ss will talk about their favorite TV programmes and habits 1) What TV programmes do you watch? (news, documentaries, sports programmes, comedy programmes, films or TV series) What kind? 2) Why do you like them? 3) When do you usually watch them? 4) Do you watch them alone?

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