Anna Anna

TP 4b - get used to / be used to
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice the be used to and get used to. They will figure out the rules and apply them in different tasks. Throughout the lesson, they will have several chances to practice their speaking skills.


Abc Model sentences
Abc Rules
Abc Rephrasing
Abc Sentences
Abc Find someone who

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of be used to / get used to in the context of parents and children

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency practice in the context of differences between generations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss will express their opinions about “the generation gap”. T: Do you think there is such a thing as “the generation gap”? Why? Why not?

Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The Ss will complete the exercise which relates to the listening of the previous lesson, which provided the context. T: Read the 4 sentences and decide if they refer to the older generations or the members of Generation Y. Do not open the paper!

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Individually, the Ss will figure out the rule for the use of be used to and get used to. They will check in pairs and as WC. T: Look again at the sentences. Try to figure out the rule for be used to and get used to. First work alone, then chek in pairs. ->ICQ1: What will you look at to figure out the rule? ->ICQ2: Will you work together?

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will write on the board the two model sentences. T will clarify and check the meaning with CCQs. T will elicit the form form the Ss. T will do some drilling for both sentences. Model sentences: They are not used to standing on their own feet. They are still getting used to sending emails. 1) Meaning: We use be used to + verb + ing to talk about a situation which we are comfortable/familiar/accustomed with. We use get used to + verb + ing to talk about a new situation we are becoming or have become comfortable with. also use cline line to clarify! Personal example: When I first came to Istanbul, I didn´t like ayran because I wasn´t used to it. Now, I got used to it and I like it very much! CCQs: -> Which form do I use to express something I am familiar with? [be used to] -> Does be used to express the idea of becoming familiar with something? [no] -> Does get used to express the idea of becoming familiar with something? [yes] -> Which form shows a process or a learning stage? [get used to] -> Which form shows that the process is complete? [be used to] 2) Drill 3) Elicit form from Ss: BE USED TO: subj. + be used to + v-ing/ noun GET USED TO: subj. + get used to + noun

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Individually, Ss will rephrase phrases with be used to / get used. They will then check in pairs. Ss will be given answer keys to check. T: Replace the phrases in bold with be used to or get used to in the correct form. First work individually. -> ICQ1: What will you replace the phrases in bold with? -> ICQ2: Do you need to change the form as well? -> ICQ3: Will you work alone or in pairs? [If there are early finishers, 2 of them can write the answers on the board. Ask class if they agree. If needed clarify]

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

In pairs, Ss will complete given sentences about their generation. T will monitor checking for accuracy. T will ask for a couple of ideas, as a WC activity (ask for reasons). T: In pairs complete the sentences. You can write about eating habits, technology, clothes, transport, working likfe, schooling etc.

Speaking practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking skills

Ss will mingle (Find someone who...) and ask each other questions related to be used to/get used to. T: Look at the statements. Go around the class, ask each other questions about the statements. For each statement find a person who agrees with it. Talk to different people and find a different person for each statement. -> ICQ1: For example, look at the first point... what will you ask? -> ICQ2: Can you ask all the questions to only one person? While monitoring, make notes of errors, in the feedback have the students correct them.

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