Sibel Seker Sibel Seker

Plans and Predictions :"be going to"
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice the future form "be going to" for plans and predictions in the context of three traveler's interviews about their travels at the airport through a listening activity. In the beginning of the lesson during the Lead-In stage through personalizing, the students will plan a party using "will" and "be going to" to be enabled to see the difference in both tenses' meanings.The lesson will continue through the listening activities, then working on the guided discovery worksheet, pronunciation practices, controlled practice, and semi-controlled practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide review, clarification and practice of "be going to" future form with a relation to the present in the context of travel plans through a listening activity.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of plans using "be going to".


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show a picture of a class party on the board. Write on the board: Plans Ask Ss: Would you like to have a party on the last day of this class? Ok- Let’s Plan: So, we just decided now for a party. Make a chart on the board for the 1-student names,2-to do list, 3-will, and 4-be going to: Ask students to choose an item from to do list. Then in column 3 type one example using will. Nominate students to the board and tell them to complete the column 3 accordingly. After they complete column 3, I will then write an example on column 4. Then I will let students complete this column. Draw a time line and elicit from students when did we decide to have a party, then x now, after that ask what is the plan who will do what and elicit did we plan this before now then x before now and clarify the meaning difference for will and be going to. Refer to the lead in page to see the timeline.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Using projector show a picture of Matthew, Olivia, and Lily at the airport on the board and ask students: Who do you think is...? Questions. Elicit their predictions and take notes on the board. Listening 1- CD 1 55)) Have them listen the audio to check their predictions for general understanding. Praise their good work for their accurate predictions. Listening 2- CD 1 55)) Tell them: You will listen again and answer the questions on the handout for Olivia, Matthew, and Lily. While giving the instruction show the exercise to the class. First individual work, then pair check. Feedback: Give them the answer key and tell them to check their answers.

Highlighting (2-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1) Listening - CD 1 56)) Listening Exercises Handout Exe 1-2 Show them the Exe 1. Tell them: Look at these sentences. You will listen and complete the gaps with a form of be going to. (Individual) Now check your answers. Peer check. Feedback: Show the exe. on the board - elicit their answers and write on the board. 2) Show them Exe 2 on the worksheet. Tell them to look at the sentences and decide which one is a plan and which one is a prediction and. Work in pairs. Feedback: On the board, mark PL and PR accordingly next to the sentences by eliciting from the students. And ask their reasons for their answers to check on their understanding.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Meaning Show the students guided discovery worksheet (fold it to show only the first part for meaning) Tell them to look at the two sentences here and answer the questions. You have 1 minute. Individual work. Then check their answers in groups of 3 or 4 for 2 minutes. Elicit the answers on the board. 2.Form Show the students guided discovery worksheet folded to show the part they need to do for the form. Tell them to complete the blank parts with the given forms and verbs. You have 1 minute. Individual work. Then check their answers in their group. Feedback: Elicit the answers on the board. 3.Pronunciation Part 1) Show the three sentences on the board. Say the sentences in front of the class using the back chaining method, drill chorally, then individually. Part 2) Show them the sheet and tell them to look at the sentences. Then tell them: you will listen to me and complete the blanks. Tell each sentence twice for them to write on their sheet. Feedback: Show the sentences on the board. Nominate students to the board to complete the sentences. Explain students gonna is the informal way of going to. Mostly used by Americans. Drill the pronunciation for gonna chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show students the controlled practice activity sheet part 1. Tell them: Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of 'be going to' and choose the correct verb. You have 1 minute. Individual work. Then peer check. Feedback: On the board, nominate students for the answers. Praise the good work, correct the ones in need. Show students part 2. Tell them: Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Feedback: On the board, nominate students for the answers. Praise the good work, correct the ones in need.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Make pairs by nominating students A-B. Give the questions for A's and B's accordingly. Tell them: Stand up. You will ask your questions to each other from that paper by using be going to. You will answer each other by using be going to. First A will ask B, then B will ask A. Monitor their activity, take notes, put the good language on the board to praise. Put the language that needs correction. Reformulate and correct with the whole class.

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