Soheil Ataie Soheil Ataie


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present simple, third person, adverbs of frequency in the context of daily life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a converstaion in the context of daily life


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

after a brief greeting, I will attach a photo on the board showing lots of daily chores written on stickers. I will ask them who this is about? and finally relate it to me, giving this message that "I am busy". some cultural situations can be useful to engage them more successfully.

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

afterwards, I will give them small stickers to write some of their daily chores on. "ICQ: will you do this alone or with a friend?" and the next part is to tell their friends about their chores. here, my monitoring is very important, since I should understand if they use "adverbs of frequency" by any chance. then I will ask them to attach their stickers on the board. I can start with the funniest one to ask, and write the model sentence on the board like "he buys bread" and ask the CCQ: do you do this everyday?, and the new model sentence would be as "he .... buys bread" that`s where I have to elicit "always" to see if they know what the answer might be. the procedure for "sometimes" is exactly the same but the CCQ is do you do this two or three days a week?, to elicit "never" I will propose sth almost impossible like "Aydin........kills people". the other chance is to see if they use third-person "s".

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

if necessary to teach completely or at least to "clarify" some points I will use the "time line" method showing everyday, two or three days, or no days. then, to combine two grammar pieces in one stage I start by asking aimed questions, "does he go to work everyday?" they might give just "yes" or "no" then I will help them to complete the answer, example will be drilled here, (drill it then write it), then I will show the correct form of questions and positive and negative answers on the board.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

now, they must be tired, so the best idea can be a little "wall crawl". I will spread out the Elliot Maddox`s text pieces to the students and ask them to find the correct "time" on the board, ICQ: are you looking for words?. then for the FB , I will ask one of the students to say a time and the student sitting on the right side should say the sentence. the next activity is again about Elliot`s life, asking questions to give the affirmative or the negative answer. the students should fill in the blanks and check in pairs, a whole-class FB will be received.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I ask them to write three sentences about themselves using "always", "sometimes",and "never" ICQ: Should you write five sentences? then I will collect the papers, and go ahead with a short modelling, I write three sentences "a teacher always.....", "a teacher sometimes......", and "a teacher never........" and I play a sad song to stimulate their feelings at the and I will say do you like to be a teacher?, now I will spread the papers randomly so they must use "he/she" and they tell eachother about papers, the feedback is"do you want to be him/he?" why?

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