Nationalities vocabulary
Beginner level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of countries and nationalities in the context of travel
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel
Procedure (43-62 minutes)
- T asks who have traveled? and where? - T shows pictures of traditional activities or people in national costumes and elicit words from Ss - with each picture (depending on content) T ask: where is this? or who are those people? - if the Ss guess right, T show the next picture. - if the Ss can not guess, they check with partner to see what they think. - with each targeted word, T drill and ask CCQ
- T give Ss plane tickets and asks them to keep it faced down. - T explain the instructions, each student travel to his/her destination (Flags on the walls around the classroom) and explain that this is his/her home country
- T demonstrate the task, then asks ICQ to make sure they understand the task - T monitors Ss and check if they are struggling with anything - T instructs Ss to check in pairs and ask each other: where are you from? other S will respond: I am from "country", I'm "nationality" - T asks Ss who are "at their destination" what language do you speak? which will activate schemata about languages in each country and keep generating interest and engagement
- T mark the form on the WB: where are you from? I'm from Turkey what's your nationality? I'm Turkish Are you Turkish? Yes, I am No, I'm German - T drill and use CCQ to make sure Ss understand what they are saying - T clarify any of the issues that learners had with meaning, form, and pronunciation (if any)
- T give Ss random nationalities, and asks not to show to each other. - T give "fine someone" paper to each student, and instruct students to only ask one question at a time and the other student answers once, then they will move on to the next S and so on. - Ss will complete the task by writing the name of the person they found that matches what they want on their list (find someone) - T monitors without interfering and answer any questions if any.