mehtap mehtap

Mehtap Çetin - Food, Drinks, Sports - Likes/Dislikes - Present Simple
Beginner, Level A1,A2 level


In this lesson Ss learn about the positive, negative and question forms of 'DO' the present simple for I/You/We/They using the lexical items related to the context of food, drinks and sports. The lesson starts wih eliciting visuals about food, drinks and sports. It is followed by an activity about vocabulary. After eliciting the related vocabulary, Ss listen to an audio for correct pronunciation. They drill whay they hear. Using the gestures and mimes T introduces the grammar, highlights the structure. After that, T clarifies the meaning and form and drill the sentences with WC. For controlled practice, Ss listen to an audio and practice the structure using the related vocabulary. Ss draw a picture of what they like or dislike with the semi-controlled practice.In the end, Ss play charades.


Abc track 5.1 unit 5
Abc track 5.4 unit 5
Abc track 5.5 unit 5
Abc track 5.2 unit 5

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present simple (positive, negative and question forms for I/you/we/they) in the context of food, drinks and sports

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of asking questions and giving answers in the context of the present simple
  • To provide practice of likes and dislikes in the context of food, drinks and sports
  • To provide practice of short answers of the present simple using Do and Don't in the related context


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T hangs out some food, drinks and sports pictures on the WB. Hangs out the names of the pictures on the walls randomly. T asks students about their favourite food, drinks and sports. Show one of the pictures on the board and elicit the name of the thing. Ask them to stand up and find a name for each picture Grab it and put it under the correct picture. ICQ What are you doing now? How many names at once? Where to put it? Ask some of the pictures and eliticit them.. Listen to the track 5.1 unit 5 for correct pronunciation.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T chooses two of the pictures and puts one positive smiley for the thing she likes and one negative smiley for the thing she doesn't like. Using the gestures and mimes T introduces 'I like ice cream.' and 'I don't like football.' (intonation is important here.) Play track 5.2 and tell Ss to repeat the sentences. Drill 'I like ice cream.' 'I don't like football.' Then put a question smiley on the board and elicit question form. Do you like ice cream? Do you like football? Tell them to ask the question using one of the lexical items on the board to the person next to them.

Highlighting (4-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Hand out the worksheet 'Find someone who ....'. Ss will find some who likes or don't like the items written on the worksheet. Ss will mingle and use 'Do you like ....?' 'I like ...... . I don't like ...... .' with mimes and gestures. After they finish ask the class to elicit They/ We like... They/We don't like.... WC

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show Harwey's text and ask them who that person is, where he is from, what his favourite sport is. Hand out the worksheet. Give Ss some time to look at the text. Play the track 5.4 in unit 5. Check the answers in pairs. Check with WC. To clarify the meaning write the sentences below on the WB CCQs I like sports a lot. Is it negative or positive?- Positive Do I use a happy smiley for coffee? – Yes I don't like tennis. Is it positive or negative? - Negative. Which smiley can I use ? – Sad (Negative) smiley Do I like football? Is it positive? - no Is it negative? - no What do you see at the beginning of the sentence? - DO Can I answer this sentence? - yes What is this?- Question Which smiley can I use? - Question smiley They practice the question 'Do you like ... ?' and positive and negative answers by asking to a person in the class to practice the form.

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Write tennis and football on the WB. Tell them to listen to the track 5.5 Unit 5. (for correct pronunciaton, rising and falling intonation and for paying attention to the short answers) Do you like football? Yes, I do. Do you like tennis? No, I don't. Write the following words on the WB. dogs, cats, dancing, cooking, pop music, classical music Change their seats. Ss will ask a question to each other in chain. They will use short answers for answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss will draw the picture of a thing that they like or don't like and the rest of the class will make sentences using the related drawing.

Free Practice (10-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will play charades. There will be two groups. One person from each group comes and tries to explain 'I like ..... or I don't like ......' sentences with gestures without speaking. Ss will use 'Do you like ....' question form to guess the answer. Be careful about instructions. They musT be clear and understandable.

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