Sophia Yazici Sophia Yazici

Upper Intermediate level


Abc Relationship metaphors
Abc Baby and Child Care article

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about parenting in the context of parents and children

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice/introduce relationship metaphors in the context of parents and children


Lead-in/Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To further activate the Ss' existing knowledge of parenting skills

Write on the board: Do you think good parenting is something that can be learned from a book or is it instinctive? "Discuss the answer in groups of 3. Take 2 minutes. How long? [2 minutes]." Feedback: WC "Who thinks it is something learned? [raising hands] Who thinks it is something instinctive? [raising hands] What were some of the reasons?" [select 2 Ss max for each answer] "Are parenting manuals popular in your country?" - WC respond [note general response of yes or no]

Pre-Teach Vocabulary (2-3 minutes) • To pre-teach vocab to help Ss understand the text

[Write vocab before the lesson starts and reveal after Lead-in] extraordinarily = [highlight each part of the word to get the meaning: extra ordinarily] "meaning more than normal or usual. part of speech? - adv. ] conscientious = "Is he talking about lazy parents who don't care what their children are doing? [No] He is talking about hardworking, thorough parents." Drill for pronunciation dread = [gesture/act out: oh no not a comic] morbid = "happy or dark? [dark] normal or abnormal? [abnormal]

Reading for the gist (5-7 minutes) • To encourage Ss to read for gist and to get an overview of the text

Hand the reading out to the Ss face down. "Quickly read the article to answer this question: [pointing at the board] how do you think the different editions might have been influenced by the changing times? Are you reading for detail? [No] Take 1 minute." Feedback: "Turn the article over. Discuss your answers in groups of 4." [2 or 3 minutes] Feedback: WC "What are the titles of the sections? [Fathers and Entertainment] What years are the sections from? [1946 and 1998] What do you think might have been influenced by the changing times?" [Elicit answers from 2 or 3 students.

Reading for detail (12-14 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension

"Read the article again for detail this time to answer these questions in groups of 3. [Hand out a list of question.]" Feedback: WC "No. 1. [S answer] No. 2 [S answer] ...."

Post-Reading (2-4 minutes) • To allow an opportunity to react to the text and personalize the topic

"Do you agree with what he says? Do you think what he said about fathers and entertainment apply today? Do you think he would have to write a new edition for now?"

Follow-up Vocab and discussion (5-7 minutes) • To introduce metaphors about relationships.

"Do relationships change after becoming parents? [Yes]" "After having children, you might hear some of these. Others can be used to talk about familial relationships." [Draw a chart good relationships and bad relationships. Have the Ss place the words in the appropriate column.] CCQs: Does close family mean physical close? [No, emotionally] If your parents split up/broke up, are they still married? [No] If your parents have separated, are they still together? [No] Are they divorced? [No] If you are inseparable with your sibling, do you spend a lot of time together? [Yes] Is having a strong bond a positive thing or a negative thing? [Positive] If you are attached to your mother, do you avoid talking to her? [No] If you and your partner are going through a rough patch, are you having relationship problems? [Yes] If your marriage is on the rocks, are you happily married at the moment?

Follow up Vocab practice (4-6 minutes) • To allow Ss to practice using their new metaphors.

"In pairs, talk about people in your families or families you know using these metaphors."

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