Teaching Practice 6 (Vocabulary and speaking)
Pre-Intermediate Level level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice in the context of places in a town
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy in the context of places in a town
Procedure (38-49 minutes)
T will give students a question pertaining to video and show them a short video show Q. Name some of the places shown in that video? Teacher will get answers from whole class and confirm if they are right or wrong.
Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and groups and read the information about the city of Newcastle (HO1) and answer the following questions: Teacher will monitor closely and help students for any help if required Teacher will see if more than half of the students have completed the questions, he will start doing feedback by asking students to write answers on white board and then with whole class. T will ask students to discuss in pairs and groups. Are there any towns or cities in your country that are similar to Newcastle? In what ways? Teacher will let students have a go for this question themselves but if teacher see that students are finding it difficult then he will simplify the question by giving further prompts that your town can be similar in these ways. Is the town in north or east of your country? on the river? near the sea? industrial? lively? near beautiful countryside? OR Does your town have... a similar size population? a long history? a good life? a museum? a football team? Once they are done with speaking teacher will start feedback and ask students if there are any towns and cities similar to 'Newcastle' and why.
Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and match different vocabulary words with relating pictures. Teacher will ask different students to match the pictures over the white board. Teacher will elicit meaning of difficult vocabulary of places in a town. Teacher will convey meaning, form and pronunciation of each word. T will ask CCQs and drill pronunciation of every word. So, that they are able to work on next task easily.
After MFP teacher will ask students to label the map below with the words in the box HO2. Teacher will monitor and see if they require any help in the task. Teacher will see if most of the students have completed their task. Teacher will start feedback and ask students to come on white board and label the map. Teacher will share answers with whole class.
Teacher will ask students to look at the statements below true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. Then they correct the false sentences. HO3 T will monitor students if they require any help with the task. Teacher will see if most of the students have completed the task teacher will start feedback by getting the answers from students and then with the whole class. If time permits, teacher will give students 3 maps and ask students to work in pair and groups and ask students to imagine that they are standing at a bus stop, opposite to the station. Now, talk to your partner and find out how to get to these places.
Teacher will ask students to work in pairs/groups and draw and label their own towns, (i.e. they create "the perfect town") and then present their own town to each other or to whole class.