Jonathon Burch Jonathon Burch

Numbers 11-100
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn and practice numbers from 11-100 with specific focus on 11-20, in preparation for reading a short text for gist and detail. The lesson starts with an introduction to the numbers 11-20 to the whole group, followed by pair exercises arranging numbers in order. This is followed by a listening comprehension exercise where the teacher dictates several numbers to the class and the students are expected to write the correct number down. Students are then introduced to the words "lucky" and "unlucky" through the use of visual aids. A short text, containing the new words and numbers, is then given to the students for reading for gist. Finally, students are encouraged to discuss concepts of lucky and unlucky in their own cultural setting.


Abc Reading handout

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of reading for gist in the context of talking about numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practice more number-related vocabulary.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To reintroduce myself and lesson topic

Tell class we are going to do a reading about numbers 11 and above and introduce numbers 11-20 through the use of flash cards.

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercise (4-5 minutes) • To practice vocabulary and prepare students for text

Students will be split into pairs and given flash cards with numbers eleven to twenty and will be asked to put the numbers in order. This will be followed by whole class feedback on the correct order.

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercise 2 (5-7 minutes) • To further test knowledge of vocabulary in preparation students for text

Teacher will stick larger flash cards of numbers 11-20 on the board in a random order and will call on individual students to write the corresponding numeral next to a card and pronounce the number. Task can be repeated if needed to allow everyone to take part.

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercise 3 (5-7 minutes) • To introduce numbers larger than 20

Teacher will tell students that he will read out several numbers above 20 and that they are expected to write down the corresponding numeral. Students should check their answers with their immediate neighbours. Then elicit feedback by reading the numbers again and calling students to individually write the numeral on the board. If time allows, focus on pronunciation of more difficult, similar-sounding numbers, eg. 13/30, 14/40 etc.

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Exercise 4 (5-7 minutes) • To introduce words "lucky" and "unlucky"

Teacher will write the words "lucky" and "unlucky" on the whiteboard and then introduce both concepts using visual aids and drawing pictures on the board. Teacher will differentiate between luck as a noun and lucky as adjective, and unlucky as adjective and bad luck as noun.

Gist Reading (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with challenging gist reading using learned vocabulary

Students will be given handout with brief text on lucky and unlucky numbers and asked to read the text and talk about their ideas in pairs.

Post Reading Discussion (10-12 minutes) • To get students talking around the subject introduced in reading

Students will be asked to discuss with the whole class around the concepts of lucky and unlucky, for eg., about things or numbers in Turkey that are thought to bring luck or bad luck

If-Time Activity (2-3 minutes) • To revise numbers learned during lesson

Organise students into pairs and get one student to dictate 5 numbers between 20-100. The other student has to write the numbers down and then check then check them. Students then swap roles if time allows.

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