Pre-intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns in the context of urban dilemmas
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of urban dilemmas and challenges
Procedure (25-37 minutes)
T greets the class and asks how they feel. T sets the scene and puts Ss in the groups and prepares them for the lesson.
T plays a short clip about busy Istanbul and asks the following questions from the class. - Do you know how many people live in Istanbul? - How many cars are there? - What problems do you think Istanbul have?
T asks the class to read the texts about Montreal again(they have already read it during the reading session) and fill in the gaps in exercise 1. Ss read the text and complete the gaps, and then check their answers with their partners. Ss check their answers with a partner. T provides the AK.
T provides the GD worksheet and asks the students the answer the questions (MFP) Students read the examples and answer the questions. They check their answers with a partner. T checks if the Ss understood the M by asking CCQs from the class. T checks if the Ss have understood the instructions clearly and monitor the activity in order to help the them if they have questions. T checks the answers and provides the AK T drills the TL sentences and writes them on the board. T highlights the stress and intonation patterns.
T asks the class to do exercise 2 individually and then check their answers with their partners. T provides the AK
T directs the class to the task in in p 127 and instructs them with an example (model) to work with their partners and uses the prompts to speak together. T monitors the activity and provides guidance for the learners.
T asks the class to mingle and ask each other questions about their cities and neighborhoods.