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languages , ( reading texts about dictionaries )
Elementary level students level


In this lesson, I have planned to provide the students practice their speaking skill and in this way try to understand the two texts about the language dictionaries. In this way, they will learn how to skim and scan the texts and do the related activities . While they are doing the exercises, they will have also practiced their speaking skill.


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Main Aims

  • The main aim of my lesson is to provide the students to speak with their pairs/group members and practice their speaking. Also, when they are doing this they will learn about how to analyse a text and do the questions about the reading texts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • The subsidiary aim is to provide the students to learn the words that they don't know . If they have some unknown words included in the text, then the teacher will help them to learn about these words explaining them with sample sentences or writing them on to the board.


Lead-in : (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In this stage, I introduce myself in a minute and learn the Ss’ names. Then in oder to recognize them easily, I want them to write their names on a piece of paper and put on the desk. , the students will work in pairs and they will discuss the questions that I will give them . For example , What languages do you speak ? Do you have any of these things ? an English dictionary , a bilingual dictionary ,a phrase book, an electronic dictionary . How often do you use them ? After that, the teacher asks them ‘what did you think?’ and get a few ideas about the questions.

Pre-Reading Stage : (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

At this part of my lesson, First, I will show the pictures to the students and ask the students ‘what do you think they are ‘? “What do you think they do?” Then, after they share their ideas, I give the machines’names – “the Lingo Global 29” and “the Phraselator” – Inthis way, I will check whether the Ss can pronounce the words. Then I will put the phrases on the board and ask the students “Do the machines do these things?” I will check Ss know all the words.I will pay special attention to “type”, “translation”, “calculator” in order to be ready to mime or demonstrate (or bring in a calculator) to help check understanding. Then I put Ss into pairs to talk about the machines and say what they think the machines do. While they are guessing about the pictures, they can also use the phrases that the teacher will write on the board. It can help them to make better predictions about the usage of the machines by using the phrases. I will take some feed back after they finish just asking “What do you think these machines do?” I will get some ideas.

while -reading I : (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

At this stage of my lesson, the students will read and check if their ideas are correct. So they check their predictions from the previous stage. Students read and check their ideas . They will just read the text without being worried about the new words. Then students check their answers with their pairs. Then the teacher takes FB with the whole class.When necessary, the teacher makes correction. Then I can ask if there are any words they don’t know and help them

While-reading Stage II: (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

In this stage of the lesson, it is aimed to set the reading text before the students start to read and the teacher shows them the exercise.Then the teacher says “Look at exercise 3. Read again and say if the sentences are about the Lingo Global or the Phraselator. Write LG or P next to the sentence.” Students read and do the activity individually. Then students check with their partners and the different groups can check with other groups. Then, one student can come to the board and write the answers. Afterwards, the teacher will check with the whole class.

Post-reading Stage : (10-11 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

At this stage , The teacher writes the columns on the board – advantanges / disadvantages. Then she checks the Ss know what they mean? e.g. “Are these good things or bad things?” The teacher also elicits an example to check Ss understand the instruction.For example ‘If you read the translation with the help of the dictionary, then is it an advantage or disadvantage ?’ The teacher asks them “Talk to your partners and decide what the advantages and disadvantages are about the two dictionaries .” Ss talk about their answers. The teacher monitors and helps if needed Then students come to the board and write their answers in the columns. Then I will ask if all the Ss think the same. Also, I will ask which machine is better/has more advantages. I will let the students speak and share their ideas Then students can ask me about what I think.

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