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No time for anything - grammar and listening


Abc A3 printout of we're living faster, but are we living better?
Abc Circle the right form exercise
Abc Comparative adjective exercise and answer sheet
Abc Cut ups
Abc As...as exercise
Abc Communicative handout

Main Aims

  • Grammar - To provide clarification, review and practice of comparative adjectives and adverbs, as...as in the context of "No time for anything"

Subsidiary Aims

  • Pronunciation - To provide practise with sentence stress by listening to and drilling the sentences


Lead in (1-4 minutes) • To activate SS' knowledge of the topic, to establish context and have the SS think about the context, to practice grammar.

Put a copy of we are living faster, but are we living better on the white board. Ask ss to decide in groups what they think, are we living better than five years ago?

Reading task. (5-8 minutes) • To introduce the practice activity, and to highlight the target language in the activity.

Ask SS to read the article again. Tell SS to find the comparatives and tell us if it is adjectives or adverbs or both Give an example - tell ss to look at the first sentence and elicit an example from them. In their groups' they can make a list of the words. Give them a handout with the answers, ask them to peer check. Feedback: ask them to give answers, check if they are right.

Highlighting target language (5-8 minutes) • To highlight the target language by use of an underlining activity, and to test their knowledge of the comparative adjectives and adverbs.

Give SS the exercise. Pair them. Explain: In this exercise please circle the right form, and if both are right please tick both. Ask CCQ: We will...the right form. If both is right,.......? Peer check each others' answers. Give them time to do the exercise. Elicit feedback.

Clarifying target language. (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the target language, model and provide controlled practice of comparative adjectives and adverbs, as...as

Give SS comparative adjective and adverb exercise, ask them to fill out the exercise in their pairs. Give one answer sheet per table, ask them to peer check in groups. Feedback, elicit answers from SS. Give hand out with rules for comparative adjectives and adverbs(I have cut it up and will ask each table to put it in the right order). Rules: We use a comparative adjective to compare two people, two things, two places or two actions. There is regular and irregular comparative adjectives ex.: good, better, quickly, more quickly, big, bigger. When we use an adjective as a comparative and it has one syllable we add an"er"-short - shorter when the adjective has one vowel and one consonant we double the final consonant When the adjective ends with a consonant and a "y" the "y" changes to "ier" two or more syllables: more + adjective Less + adjective or adverb Not as + adjective/adverb + as After comparative + than or as…as, we use an object pronoun(me, her, etc, or a subject pronoun + auxiliary verb, eg. My brother is taller than me My brother is taller than I am He is not as intelligent as her He is not as intelligent as she is CCQ's. My brother is short. He is...? Shorter My sister is big. She is.....? Bigger We are busy but they are...? Busier I am relaxed, but she is? More relaxed I am good but he is? Better She walks quickly but her brother walks....? More quickly Walking uphill is hard, running uphill is even? Harder. Give exercise for as...as. Ask SS to rewrite the sentences so they mean the same. Give SS time to do exercise. Write beginning of sentences on board while they are doing the exercise, elicit answers from SS.

Language practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide freer oral practise of grammar

I have photocopied different speaking tasks from the English course book. I will put it in a box, pair each table into two groups, each group can choose a task. In the pairs' they have to talk about the task on the cut-out, ex. Going clothes shopping alone vs. Going clothes shopping with another person.

Feedback (1-4 minutes) • To establish correct answers and /or deal with results of the task

I will do a general overview of grammar with CCQ's for example: How do we use as in a sentence? I am not as tall as my sister. Is this negative? Yes How can we use this in a positive sense? I am as fast as my brother. What can we compare using as..as? People, things, places or actions.

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