Apryl Haynes Apryl Haynes

Spend or Save? - a lesson on vocabulary and pronunciation


In this lesson, students will have opportunity to work with new vocabulary and practice it while learning correct pronunication.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of the vocabulary in the context of money - "spend or save?"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the students drilling and practice in pronunciation of the vocabulary words.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Draw a big $ sign in the middle of the board. Write around it "1 million dollars = 3,654,400 Turkish Lira" Pose the question, "If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?" Have students discuss it in groups of 3. (1 min) Write their ideas in a simple brainstorming web on the board.

Exposure (6-9 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Chest the exercise. Tell the students they are going to listen to a song about money. Instruct them to fill in the gaps with the options provided (exercise a &"Girls & Boys" script) as they listen with what they hear the musicians sing. Use an ICQ to be sure they understood. Play listening clip 1.34 (queued on the computer's desktop). Play a second time if needed. Pairwork: Students check answers in pairs Feedback: Materials: English File Intermediate 3rd Ed. SsBk Oxford. Page 14. Exercise a and "Girls and Boys" text on right hand side of the page)

Highlighting (6-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Tell the students they will listen to the recording one more time and they will read the lyrics ("Girls & Boys") as they listen. Play recording 1.34 again. Chest the exercise. Instructions: "You will now match the phrases from the song with their definitions (#s 1-7). Work in pairs to decide which phrase from the song goes with which definition." Use ICQs Students work in pairs to do the exercise. (3 min) Feedback: Nominate students to give the answers they deduced. Use CCQs here. Materials: Adapted (by Apryl Haynes) from Latham-Koenig, C. & Oxenden, C. (2013) English File Intermediate 3rd Ed. SsBk Oxford. Page 14. Exercise b.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Use exercises a & b on pg. 154 as a guided discovery exercise to clarify MFP. Chest the exercise. Instructions: "For this exercise, you will fill in the blank with the correct answer. A sentence is written on the left to help guide you to the answer. Use the vocabulary verbs written at the top to fill in the blanks. You will do this alone. Work for 5 minutes. " Use ICQs. Hand out the exercise. Students do alone. Use your time monitoring to get an idea of what needs further clarification in the class. PW: Students check their answers in pairs. WCFB: Nominate students to read their answers. Use this time to drill pronunciation and practice sentences together. Materials: Latham-Koenig, C. & Oxenden, C. (2013) English File Intermediate 3rd Ed. SsBk Oxford. Page 154. Exercise 1 (Verbs)

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show students handout with pictures of different items to buy. Tell them they will choose two items that they would be most interested in buying and fill out the questions below. (Questions: How much does it cost? Can you afford it? Would you have to borrow money for it?) They will work for 3 minutes alone. Use ICQs (How many items will you pick?) Students work alone on the handout. (4 min) PW: Discuss the items you picked and your answers with a partner. (1-2 min) WCFB: "How many picked the coat?" Elect a student and get their answers for each item. Materials: Assembled by Apryl Haynes

Semi-Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ask the students (by show of hands) how many of them are 25 and older. Tell them that they are going to work as a class. The students who are 25 and older are going to be the parents and the students who are 25 and younger are going to be the children (teenagers to early twenties). Move the 25 and younger group to one side of the class and the older group to the other side. Have them sit again. Now tell them the instructions: "Younger group, I am going to give you each a pictures. In the picture is something you REALLY want to buy. Each one of you (young people) will talk with each one of these parents. Tell your parent about what you want and why you want it. Tell them why you think you can afford it. Parents, I want you to try to give advice or help to the young people. Tell them what you think would be a smarter choice. Should they wait to buy the item? Why? etc." Hand out the pictures to the students. Pair the students up if needed. Have the students talk together. (5 min) Use the monitoring time and listen for a few phrases that were very good and a few that need some correction. Error Correction: Write a couple of correct phrases on the board and a couple of incorrect. Have students tell you which are incorrect and which are correct. Work together to correct them. Materials: Pictures prepared by Apryl Haynes

Freer Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Set up a shopping mall. Use 3 desks for 3 different types of shops complete with shop names, items (on pictures) and prices. Tell the students they are going to imagine they are going shopping. Tell them you will be giving them (fake) money to go shopping at 3 different stores. They will use their money and their language to buy things from the 3 different shops and shopkeepers. Encourage them to ask questions from the shopkeepers about prices, etc and only to buy what they want to buy. Elect 3 shopkeepers and have them come to the desks. Have students mingle and practice shopping language. Materials: Fake money, pictures of items, shop signs assembled by Apryl Haynes.

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