Fatma Megahed Fatma Megahed

Elementary level


In this lesson Ss will learn about verb phrases, adverbs of frequency and ordinal number.I will start my lesson by asking Ss what usually you do when some body makes noise around you?.Then I will elicit the difference between the verb phrases Do and Make. I will check the understanding by giving them some activities to do.I will explain the adverbs of frequency and this is followed by giving them activity about it.


Abc Gab-fill Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adverbs of frequency in the context of Daily routine

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening practice using a text about Living in the context of Daily routine


Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To set lesson context generate interest and engage students.

Ask Ss "who came first today?","use do or make in sentences of what you did before you attend the course". Ss discuss in pairs. Get feedback from them.

Exposure and highlight (4-15 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation and draw Ss attention to TL.

Ask Ss to give me sentences using do or make.e.g: (she usually do her homeworks in the evening.). Ask Ss to check in pairs .Get feedback from Ss. Ask to read the hands out about the phrasel verbs of (do and make). Ask Ss to answer the exercise (Complete the verb phrases with make or do). Ask Ss to check in pairs ,then listen carefully to the track (74) to repeat and correct their answers. Ask Ss (who do or makes things using the phrasel verbs ) in sentences. Ask to check in pairs comparing the answers. T asks Ss to give sentences of phrasel verbs of (do or make) using these adverbs of frequency(usually- hardly ever-always-sometimes-ever-never). T write the answers on the board ,clearing that they called adverbs of frequency that means how something happens and how frequent an action is .This can be always or never ....etc. T clears how adverbs of frequency can go before the main verb giving examples: -I always get up at 7 a.m. -The children always make alot of noises. -Mandy has sometimes got hair cut every five months. -T clears also that adverbs of frequency come after a form of (to be:am,is ,are,was and were): -Sally is never late. T clears how every adverb has a degree to close the meaning. Ask Ss to answer the exercise( Put the adverb in the right place in a sentence). Asks Ss to check in pairs their answers. Ask Ss to answer another exercise (Add adverb frequency to make the sentences true for you.) Ask students to check in pairs their answers. Ask questions and answers of using (Do you ever wake up before 7 a.m? -No,hardly ever.).......etc. Ask Ss to check in pairs their answers. Ask them to listen to taps repeating after it the ordinal numbers. Give them hand out about the ordinal numbers ,answering the question( Say and write the ordinals in letters). Ask Ss to check in pairs their answers. Ask Ss to listen to the tap checking the answerings of the question(Tick the group of ordinal numbers you hear.)

Clarification of language focus (4-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning ,form and pronunciation of the target language.

-Give expressions about (do) and (make). -Ask CCQs to check the meaning . -Give Ss extra exercises about (verb phrases),(adverbs of frequency) and(ordinal numbers) ,to provide information and clarifiy the meaning.

Controlled practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

-Look at the alphabet above ,can you answer the questions. -Write the right words with their suitable verb phrases. -Re write the sentence using the percentage to write the suitable adverbs of frequency.

Free Practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide fluency speaking of the TL about their plans for the weekend.

Ask Ss have you make any important decision to be acheived in the future? Ask to discuss their decision with a partner .

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