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Story telling, Relative clauses
Upper Secondary 3 level


In this lesson, Ss will review and practice relative clauses in the context of telling a story. As a lead-in, Ss play a game called Pyramid which is similar to taboo. This is followed by review of relative clauses, where in tr elicits meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language. Next Ss, engage in another game. They are instructed to make sentences with words given to them. Then Ss, are asked to name the different elements they need to keep in mind while writing a story. In this way tr elicits the story hand from students. Ss are then put in groups and are asked to create a story using words from the game they played during lead-in. They are to use 6 relative clauses in their story. Ss share their stories with the class. Each group evaluates the other based on use of relative clauses and story hand.


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Main Aims

  • To review and practice relative clause in the context of telling a story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice and improve speaking accurately and fluently in the context of telling a story.


Lead in (10 minutes) • To activate students' schemata

Ss play the game - Pyramid. In this game a few categories are displayed on the IWB. For example: Things we eat for breakfast. Words belonging to each category are kept on the table. Ss are put in groups. One member from a group selects a category. He / she describes words in that category to his / her group without saying the word. The group is suppose to guess the word. Ss are encouraged to use a relative clause to describe the word. Each Ss gets 3 mins to describe all the words in the category.

Language Review Stage - Relative clauses (8 minutes) • To review and check understanding of relative clauses.

The following example sentences from the previous task are displayed on the board. 1. Carpenters are the ones who repair furniture. Tr asks ccqs to check Ss understanding of relative clauses. Is there meaning if we remove the relative clause?- No. Does it give us main information on the sentence? - Yes The relative pronoun 'who' refers to - Carpenters. 2. That's the place where we eat burgers. Which part of the sentence gives you information about the place? where we eat burgers. What is the relative pronoun in the sentence. Tr asks one of the Ss to write the form of the relative clause in the example sentences. 1.Carpenters are the ones who repair furniture. Who - relative pronoun, repair - verb furniture - object 2. That's the place where we eat burgers. where - relative pronoun , we - subject, eat - verb Tr reads each sentence and asks Ss to mark the weak and strong forms in the sentence. Sentences are drilled in small groups and individually.

Restricted Speaking Practice (10 minutes) • To practice speaking accurately and fluently using relative clauses in sentences.

Tr sets instructions: Each group will get an envelope with words. Open the envelope and place the words on your tables. I will show you a flashcard on a relative pronoun. As soon as you see it, you will make a sentence with the words using that relative pronoun. For example, if I show you ' which', you'll make a sentence with which. Example: This is the pen which I used to write the letter. The team that finishes first is the winner. Tr asks ICQs to check Ss understanding of the instructions. Are you going to work alone? No. Are you going to start making sentences as soon as you get the words? No The words are given and the game begins. Other groups are asked to check the sentence made by the group that finishes done. Immediate error correction is done as and when required.

Restricted Written Practice - Dictogloss (10 minutes) • To practice writing accurately using relative clauses.

Tr. sets instructions. I am going to read a story. You will write down the key words that you hear. I will read it thrice. Then you and your partner will rewrite the story, closest to the one you heard. In other words, it should be almost same as what you heard. Tr then reads out the story thrice. She gives them a few mins to write the key words, each time she completes reading the story.

Feedback and Error correction (5 minutes) • For Ss, to check the understanding and answers for the given task.

Once Ss have completed the task, the original story is shown to them. Ss are asked to swap their answers and check the story. Tr monitors as Ss check each others' work and notes most common mistakes made by Ss. Delayed error correction is done. Tr writes incorrect sentences on the board and asks SS to correct it.

Less controlled speaking practice (6 minutes) • For Ss, to identify the different features of a story hand.

Tr. asks Ss to think about the story they heard during the dicto gloss and note down the different things they need to keep in mind while writing a story. Ss are instructed to discuss the same in groups. They share their answers with the class. Tr writes down their answers on the board and then displays the story hand.Each SS is given a HO of the story hand.

Less restricted speaking practice (20 minutes) • To practice and improve writing a story using relative clauses and the story hand.

Ss are put in groups. They are given a few pictures and words. Ss are asked to create a story using the pictures and words. Ss are asked to include 6 relative clauses in their story. Ss are asked to use the story hand to help them create the story. Ss share their stories with the class. Other groups are asked to evaluate the story based on the use of relative clauses and the story hand.

Recap (5 minutes) • To recap relative clauses in the context of story telling.

Tr displays a few sentences on the board, one by one. Some of the sentences are incorrect (incorrect relative clause) . One sentence is revealed at a time and Ss are asked to write the correct form of the sentence. The Ss who finishes first is the winner.

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