Fatma Megahed Fatma Megahed

Elementry level level


In this lesson Ss will learn about time and the days of the week. T starts the lesson with the warm up activity where T asks them about the time. T clarifies the ways of telling time by showing them some materials of pictures . After that ,they will listen to the two ways of telling the time answering some exercises . Finally, they will do a freeier practice activity about ways of telling time.


Abc Gab-fill Handout
Abc CD Audio Track(Elementary ) also pictures about clock and handout for elementary.

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice functional language in the context of "telling time"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice about the time lexis(


Lead in (1-2 minutes) • Warmer

Show Ss the photos about watching 'asking Ss to think about the time at the moment.Start by asking (What time is it at the moment?).

Elicit the lexis (4-13 minutes) • To introduce Ss the time accurately

Activity 1: T uses the photo of clocks,explaining the meanings of (hour-minute-morning-afternon-evening-AM-PM-digital time-minight-midday-ordinary time-o'clock) . Ask Ss to read the time of each clock ,drawing hands on the hands out on the digital clock to match the time given at the bottom of each clock answering the question of (what time is it?).Then work in pairs checking answers. After that , use the material of clock applying the above criteria. Activity 2: Imagine clock as a cake which cut into 4 pieces. Some of these pieces called (quarter - half-to-past).Minutes around the clock is starting with 5 and going up to 55. Giving hands out about the ordinary time.Answering individually the exercise 2(What time is it?Write two ways of telling the time) on page 3, then check in pairs. Ask Ss to listen to the track 64 checking answers . Asks As to listen to T of how pronounce some words using in time with different sound,/i:/, /3:/, giving the same examples. Ss listen and practise the sentences and complete the days of the week with the shortened forms in the box. T gives them another shorten forms of the days putting in sentences about time.Work in groups.

Personal Aims (2-5 minutes) • Practice the Ss productive skills.

This time T drills words related to clock to keep them completing all the stages without depriving the Ss the time needed to practice and speak.

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