Living in fear.
B2 level


Main Aims
Functional language for explaining reasons.
Subsidiary Aims
Procedure (38-48 minutes)
- to make SS find the TL terms in the reading text they have from the previous lesson - to show a picture of a killer and a running girl - to take SS opinion about the picture to make sure that every SS understands the context - make SS speak something about the picture with the help of TERMS of TL
- to clarify the meaning on the white board with some visuals and written forms on board
- ask CCQs related to models of target language - pass out HO of ex.1 and have SS do the ex.1 - write answers on board using FB - give SS another HO including ex.2 - paste answers on wall (kinaesthetic approach)
- divide Ss into 4 equal groups (2 A-groups and 2 B-groups) -give out HO (ex.3-functional language)Group-A to Group-A SS -model 1st question of ex.3 and have them do the whole exercise -take FBs for Q.2 and Q.3 (ex.3) and write them on board(write one of the many possible answers) -make the SS form pairs (one being from A-group and the other being from B-group) -make them interview each other with the help of HO (ex.1-Interview) -conclude the lesson asking people about which kind of phobia they have.