Grammar and Listening
Pre-intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide Ss with clarification, review and practice of be going to in the context of plans and dreams
Subsidiary Aims
To provide specific information and detailed listening practice using a listening about What are their plans? What are their dreams? in the context of plans and dreams
Procedure (47-60 minutes)
-Greet and welcome the Ss to the class -Tell WC that my last travel was to north of Iran, then tell them that I would like to visit Russia and in fact I'm going to visit Russia next summer -Ask one or two Ss where they traveled to and where they like to go -Display the photo "What are their plans? What are their dreams? from the SB page 20 on OHP
-First ask the Ss where do they think that people in the displayed photo are going to -Ask the Ss the question "Who do you think is...?" from the activity 2 a SB page 20 -Pair them and instruct them to discuss briefly the answers to the activity 2 a from SB page 20 -Now instruct the Ss to listen to the audio file 1-55 SB page 20. They listen for gist only in order to be able to answer activity 2 a page 20 -pause after each dialogue and ask Ss "who do you think is...? -Play the audio one more time and instruct Ss to listen more carefully and answer the activity 2 b SB page 20 -Pair them again and instruct Ss to compare their answers to the activity 2 b SB page 20 -Ask some of Ss to answer the questions of the above activity
-Write the sentence "I'm going to work there", which is from the audio 1-55 SB page 20, on the board in order to draw their attention to the target language
-Break down the form for the Ss. (I'm going to work there). Try to elicit. Use color coding -Clarify the meaning using timeline and question (CCQs) -Ask the Ss to make the sentence negative, and then ask them to make question sentence -To clarify the meaning give them more examples -Clarify the contraction version (I'm gonna work there) -Make sure that they understand how to form contraction version by asking CCQs, example, question -Give them HO of the grammar for their further study
-Give the Ss HO of the activity 3A from SB page 131. Instruct the Ss to do activity b in pairs -Display the above activity on OHP -Give the Ss FB to the above activity. Select S to come and write the answer on the board -Instruct the Ss to turn their HO and do activity 3A-a from SB page 131 in pairs -Give the Ss FB by selection student to come and write the correct answer on the board
-Give the Ss HO of the calendar -Display the slide of calendar on OHP -First ask the Ss to write their name on top of it -Instruct the Ss to write about where they are going to travel e.g. Russia -Instruct the Ss to give the paper to the person next to them -Ask the Ss to write how they are going to travel e.g. airplane -Ask the Ss to give the paper to the next person -Ask the Ss to write where they are going to stay e.g. Hotel -Ask the Ss to give the paper to the next person -Ask the Ss to write other information e.g. with family, visit Moscow -Group the Ss according to the color of their papers -Instruct the Ss to talk in their groups about the person's plan using "be going to" -If time allows, nominate few Ss to talk about the plan that he/she has -Monitor the Ss during the activity, make sure that they talk in English
-If time allows, Instruct the Ss to listen to the audio file 1-58 from SB page 21 -Pause after each sentence and instruct them to repeat the sentence and copy the rhythm