Lic Diana Rios Lic Diana Rios

Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, SS will use the functional lexis time sequencers and connectors through the context of a reading. They will guess the content of the text from the title and a picture. Then, they will read for a gist answering 2 questions. After that, SS will work on the functional lexis proposed and read for detail. Finally, the functional lexis will be clarified leading the SS to practice it in 2 ways: controlled and semi-controlled.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the language used for connecting and sequencing in the context of a story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of time sequencers and connectors leading the students to form more complex sentences.
  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about a couple's love story in the context of an unexpected event.


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Display a picture related to the reading. Elicit from the SS the description of the image. Show the title and elicit the relation between it and the picture.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T presents a reading HO about the story of Hannah and Jamie. SS get the HO with the reading text. Pens and dictionaries down, SS read for a gist in order to answer: How did they meet? What happened? Nominating FB is given.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

In the reading, SS fill in the blanks with time sequencers. SS read for detail and answer 8 questions. SS compare their answer with their partners. For FB, T displays the questions on the board and nominates SS from each group to answer them.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

SS get a folded HO, they are asked to fill in the blanks using 'but, so, because although'. T nominates 4 students to come to the WB. Each question (from HO) is display on the board at a time. SS write the answers. T asks which sentences tell 'reasons and consequences' and which other ones show a 'main idea and a contrast'. Answers are elicited from SS and written on the charts displayed. T asks about the difference between 'because and so' and 'although and but' Answers are elicited from the SS. T drills 'because' and 'although' and writes the phonetic transcription under the words. a sentence using 'after that' is displayed on the board. Elicit from SS to mark action #1 and action #2. SS answer 'what does "that" refer to in the sentence?' SS play a quick game: SS see a couple of images on the WB. In groups, they write a sentence using "after that" and rush to the board. SS read their groups' sentences. The groups that made mistakes are asked to change members. another sentence is displayed on the board using "suddenly". T drills the word and writes its phonetic transcription. SS are asked to refer to the reading HO and say how is is "suddenly" different from the other time sequencers. SS play the same game described previously, this time using the word 'suddenly'.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In pairs, SS are asked to complete 2 exercises. One is about ordering a story and the other one filling in the blanks with conjunctions. SS compare their answers with other pairs. For FB, SS can check the answers on the back of their HO.

Semi-Controlled and freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and provide students with freer practice of the target language.

SS have a completion task on their HO to be done in pairs: there is the first clause of a sentence and SS write the second clause in their own words. Partners are asked to compare their answers with other pairs.

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