Ece Bektaş Ece Bektaş

Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to What clauses through selected sentences from the listening exercise on five people talking about their collections. The lesson starts with a discussion about collections. This is followed by naming and matching pictures of collection items and their names. Finally there is a controlled practice through matching the speakers with the questions and two free practices; one is about sentence reformulating, and the other one is a speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To introduce students to What clauses and have them practice within the context of collecting.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Listening for gist and detail in the context of collecting.


Stage 1 (Lead In) (3-5 minutes) • To engage their interest in the topic

-Have projector ready. -Project the picture of fridge magnet collection. -Engage interest by telling the students about the fridge magnet collection. -Ask students if they or someone they know collects anything. -Ask them to tell their partner about it. -Collect feedback from a few pairs.

Stage 2 (Pre-listening) (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the collection items that will be used in the context of listening exercise

-Show pictures of collection items and have students name them.

Stage 3 (Listen and Match) (5-7 minutes) • To provide a controlled listening practise for gist

-Tell students to match each speaker to one of the photos. -Play CD 1, track 3-7 -Students check their answers in pairs and then as a whole class.

Stage 4 (listen for detail) (5-7 minutes) • To provide a listening practice for specific information

-Project the listening practice 2. -Tell students to match speakers with the questions. -Pass handouts for SS. -Play CD 01 track 3-7. -Project the tapescript and check their answers.

Stage 5 (Focus on Language) (15-20 minutes) • To introduse What clauses

-Have students compare what-clauses with regular sentences that selected from tapescript and elicit the difference in meaning. -Help students guess the difference more easily by modelling the sentences out loud with emphatic pronounciation. Possible eliciting questions: Why would someone use this(what-clause) instead of this(regular sentence) ? Which one draw your attention more? Why? -Project "what clauses" slide in order to show the form. -Model and choral drill the sentence. -Have students complete the rewrite exercise.

Stage 6 (Freer practices) (6-8 minutes) • To provide free speaking practice

-Ask students to think about what they discussed during the warmer. -Ask students to talk to their partner saying things that they like, dislike, or want using what-clauses then have them share their ideas to whole class. -Demonstrate the speaking activity from the Teacher's book with a student. -Project the page and ask the student to choose a square then ask him/her to make a sentence with the topic using what-clauses. -Tell the students that if the other person agrees that your sentence is correct, then you can circle the topic, (have him/her circle his/her topic) that square cannot be played again. The next person then has a turn. -Tell the students to do this activity in pairs and the first student to get four squares in a straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) is the winner.

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