Sevi K Sevi K

Teaching Practice 7
A1 level


In this lesson students will learn about the present continuous in the context of everyday activities. This tense is taught for the first time to students who are complete beginners, and who have had exposure to a small quantity of verbs and vocabulary, so the examples that I am going to give are rather limited. They have, however, already learned the verb to be (Present Simple) which should be of tremendous help in teaching this tense. The easiest way to introduce this tense is to carry out actions. Students will learn the key language to enable them to manage simple communicative contexts.


Abc gap-fill hand out
Abc HO1
Abc practise worksheets
Abc whiteboard &markers
Abc gap-fill hand out
Abc gap-fill hand out

Main Aims

  • To clarify and practice the use of Present Continuous for things happening at this moment, now and for future arrangements in the context of everyday routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide the students with the practice of speaking for accuracy in the context of everyday activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students should know the present simple when I get on to the present continuous, so I start by asking about their daily routine. Once they're comfortable with this, I interrupt a stronger student who's just said, for example, "I brush my teeth..." and ask him/her "Are you brushing your teeth now?". I emphasize the "now", and then accept just a "No" as an answer. I Keep this going around the class and they'll soon begin to get the idea about the difference. When I feel they're ready, I start

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I keep walking around the classroom and ask a student to join me.I say: Hulya is walking I am walking. We are walking. Show students that the present continuous is formed with the present of the verb to be + the present participle of the main verb (verb in –ing form). I Pick up a book and say: I am reading a book; I’m not reading a newspaper. I give more examples and so on with all persons, singular and plural.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I continue with CCQs: Zeynep is listening to her teacher right now. Is she listening to her teacher now? (Yes). Is rthe teaching teaching english right now (Yes) etc. At this stage, I will mention that Present Continuous has also a future meaning besides its use for talking about things happening at this moment. They recieve a handout with an exercise to complete the verbs in the present c. form so as to understand its future meaning

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I elicit the future use by miming a telephone conversation. Try to elicit the complete dialogue from my learners: Hello./ Hello/What are you doing?/ I'm working / eating / shopping/ What are you doing tonight at seven o'clock?/ I don't know /I'm going out with my friends / I'm eating my dinner. To concept check this I draw a time line on the board and show the 'doing' now (in the present) and the 'doing' later (at seven o'clock tonight). Choral and individual drilling of this simple dialogue with the Ss and write the form clearly on the board.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The Ss recieve handouts to practice the new grammatical phenomena, I model one/two examples, demo and ICQs. These pair work activities. Among others, there's also an exercise where they should identify the mistakes in the sentences. Then, they check the answers with other groups. I display the correct answers on the WB.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Depending on the time, we we will continue with further practice worksheets or conversation in the classroom. At this stage we will revise the present continuous with questions/answers, CCQs. A small dialogue will be followed

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