zainab zainab

Being Human
Upper Secondary 4 level


In the first half of the lesson, Ss engage in a reading task in the context of being human. They focus on reading for gist and specific information. They also focus on vocabulary used in the text. They are then to make / create a story using the vocabulary. In the next half of the lesson, Ss focus on the use ofzero and first conditionals. Zero and first conditionals are clarified through guided discovery.


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Main Aims

  • For Ss, to practice and improve reading for gist and specific information in the context of being humans. For Ss, to clarify zero and first conditionals in the context of being humans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For Ss, to focus on and practice vocabulary in the context of being human.


Lead in (4-5 minutes) • To activate students' schemata and to get them ready for the reading activity

The words - Being human are displayed on the board. Ss are asked to discuss the following questions in pairs: What do these words mean? How are we different from animals?

Pre reading task (5-7 minutes) • To motivate Ss for the reading task

Ss are instructed to look at the pictures on pg 57 and fill in the blanks. Ss engage in Ex1, 2 and 3. Ex 1: Ss look at the pictures and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Ex 2 and 3: Ss read the questions and discuss answers in pairs. Ss share their answers with the class.

Reading practice (8-10 minutes) • For Ss, to practice and improve reading for gist and specific information

Task1 (prediction) : The title and sub title are displayed on the board and Ss are questioned : What do you think the writer is going to say about change? Discuss in groups. Ss then share their answers. Task 2 (reading for gist) :A few statements which state the writer's main idea are displayed on the board. They are instructed to quickly go through the text and choose the correct statement. Task 3 (reading for specific information): Ss are given a HO with a few statements from the text. Ss are asked to read the statements first and then read the text and mark Yes, No or Not given against each statement. They are to work alone. PC and WCFB are done.

Post reading Activity (15-20 minutes) • For Ss, to use the vocabulary in the text to create a story of their own

Ss are given a crossword with clues, based on the text. Ss solve the crossword and discuss answers with each other. The answers are displayed on the IWB. Tr. checks understanding of the vocabulary using CCQs. Ss are put in groups and are asked to draw 4 to 5 pictures. They swap the pictures. They are instructed to create a story using the pictures and vocabulary from the crossword to create a story. Ss present their stories in class.

Warmer / Less controlled speaking practice (4-5 minutes) • To activate students' schemata

Ss are asked to think about why people change. Tr. elicits the words success and failure from the students. Ss are then asked to talk about their success and failures. They are to discuss what led to their success and what led to their failure. Ss work in pairs and share their answers with the class. Tr. elicits reasons or factors that lead to success. (talent and hard work). This stage leads into the next stage that focuses on zero and first conditional.

Language Input : Zero and first conditionals (Reading Practice) (8-10 minutes) • For Ss to focus and clarify zero and first conditionals (if/unless)

Ss are given a HO of a text based on factors that lead to success. Each S is given a piece of the text. Ss are instructed to put the different pieces of the text in order. Ss are then asked to read the text quickly and state the main idea of the text. Tr. asks Ss to underline sentences in the text that state reasons for people to be successful. She questions them: What is common in these sentences. (If + present tense ) A few sentences from the text are displayed on the IWB. If you want to be good at something, you must practise hard and regularly. Tr questions Ss: Is it generally true that you need good number skills to work in finance? Yes Is the statement in the present tense? Yes Tr underlines the conditional clause and explains : If you want to be good at something, you must practice hard and regularly.

Controlled written practice (5-7 minutes) • For Ss to practice zero and first conditionals in writing accurate sentences

Ss are instructed to take their workbooks. They are to fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs in the bracket and identify if zero or first conditional are used.

Less controlled speaking practice (6-7 minutes) • For Ss to practice speaking fluently and accurately using zero and first conditional

Ss are asked to think of different sentence openers or conditionals. Ss are given a few minutes to think of openers. Ss practice using zero and first conditional through a game. One S says his or her opener and nominates another S to complete it and so on.

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