Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide practice of language used for making polite requests in the context of socialising.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide specific information listening practice using a text about making requests.
Procedure (39-48 minutes)
Show SS pictures of people in a restaurant. Ask them: What can you see? Where are they? What are they doing? When you go out, what do you generally do? Give SS some time to describe the picture and "personalise" it -- talk about themselves in such situations. Ask SS: Can you think of a situation where someone was not polite towards you?
Show SS the two pictures of people making requests (Pictures a and b). Give SS three minutes to discuss in groups who is making a request, and what they are saying. ICQs: Are you writing anything? No How long will you discuss? 3 mins SS check with the other group(s). Give SS requests on strips of paper. Give them 2 mins to match the requests to the people in the pictures. Play the listening (Track No.32) and let them check together. Play the track again. Show the Answer Key on the screen.
Give SS phrases of making requests (Flash Cards). Ask them to categorise the phrases under their correct headings (Headings on the wall). Give them 2 mins. Play music to energise them (Music: Run). Let SS check their answers together. Show Answer Key on the screen. Clarify the appropriacy, intonation and pronunciation of TL. Note: "Could/Would you" are more polite than "Can/Will you". CCQs: Do I say "Would you..." to a very close friend? No Do I say "Could you..." to someone I don't know? Yes Play the listening (Track 34). SS repeat. Drill for intonation practice. Voice rises at the end of the question. Elicit some responses to the requests. Divide SS into pairs. Give out the actual responses to match to requests (2 mins)
Give SS strips of paper containing requests that do not sound polite. Ask SS to make them sound polite. (Flash Cards) SS read request/response papers aloud in pairs. Swap roles and do it again. Remove the responses bit by bit and see if they can respond accordingly. Give SS the answers in a sheet.
Ask SS to make requests (in pairs) and respond to them. They should make sure their requests sound polite. Give them 2 minutes to prepare and 8 minutes to practise. Demo with 2 students. ICQs: How many people will you make requests to? 4 people How many requests will you make? 2 requests How many answers will you give? 2 answers