Nalan Eryigit Nalan Eryigit

Shopping in a supermarket


In this lesson Ss will be learning functional language that they can use at the supermarket. The lesson will begin with a game where Ss will list items that they can buy at a supermarket in groups. The group with the most amount of items will get the point. It will continue with an inference task in which Ss will try to take a look at a picture and make assumptions about it. Then the T will elicit a dialogue that takes place between a clerk, a customer and a cashier. Upon finishing, Ss will act out the dialogue as a whole class. After the controlled practice Ss will have a seat and produce their own shopping list and do their own role play amongst each other. And at the end of the practice and production stage, Ss will get a chance to respond to the tasks and give their thoughts and opinions about it.


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Main Aims

  • To provide review, practice and clarification of language used for making requests and purchasing products when shopping at the supermarket

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a dialogue when shopping at a supermarket.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The T will show a photo of a supermarket and ask: "What is this?" in which Ss will reply: "A supermarket". Then the T will ask the Ss to come up with items that they can buy from a supermarket and write it on a piece of paper. Upon finishing, a Ss from a group will be asked to read his or her list while the T will be counting the items on the list. The group with the most amount of items will get a point for their team. (And a pat in the back)

Building Context (5-5 minutes) • To narrow the context to a more specific area and continue to generate interest while establishing a clear and specific context for the language to arise out of

The T will show another picture of a supermarket and get the Ss to make assumptions about it in order to set the context for the target language. The T will ask the Ss to discuss in pairs two questions: Where are they? Who are they? Next the T will get FB from the class and see what they know. Then the T should elicit: shelf or shelves, clerk or shop assistant, customers and cashier. The T will point to the blue shelf and ask: Do you know what this is? If the Ss have an idea and are struggling with coming up with the right word but they know it, the T can give the first letter of the word or leave gaps in between the word so that the Ss can fill in the blanks. If they have no idea, then the T can write it on the board with an arrow pointing to it. Next the T will ask: "Is a shelf countable or uncountable" in which Ss will answer countable. Then the teacher will say: "Then how many shelves are there". And Ss will respond 5. And T will say "5 what?" Ss will say "5 shelves". The T then should highlight a shelf and 5 shelves in an attempt to show the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Next the T will ask: Who the person next to the freezer is. If no answer is given the T will give the answer. And do the same for the next two people. The T will ask: Who are they? Ss will say customer or customers. Teacher should highlight that "customer" is countable and that they can say a customer and two customers. And at the end of the task the T will ask who the person at the end is. If no answer is given he or she will write "cashier" on the board and point an arrow to the picture.

Exposure (5-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

At this point the T will say ok now we are going to go shopping at this supermarket. The T will say I am a customer and I want to buy some coffee. The T will then write "customer: Do/have/coffee? And ask the Ss to make a full sentence and write the full sentence down. Then the teacher should point to the clerk on the picture and say: "Who is this?" S will say "clerk". And T will write "clerk: under the first dialogue. Then the" T will say: Positive answer? S: Yes, I do T: Negative answer? S:no, I don't. T will write customer and say: Where coffee? Full sentence S: Where's the coffee? The T will write clerk: and write it is _ _ point to the shelf so Ss say shelf and write A. And the T should have the Ss fill in the blank by asking "in, on, at". Ss will say "on". Next T will write Customer: and write Can/have/coffee? and point to herself or himself to elicit I. And T should also elicit "some coffee" by leaving four gaps before coffee. And say any with a questioning face. And Ss will say no teacher "some". Then the T will write Clerk: and elicit "here you are" by miming it. Then T will write Customer: Thank _ _ _. Next T will say I am done now I need to go and buy the food. T will write: $? and elicit "How much is it?" The T should also ask is money countable or uncountable in an attempt to show the reason why we use much and not many. Then the T will point at the cashier and elicit it. And write cashier: and ask the students how much is it? to get an answer upon getting an answer T should write it on the board. The T write customer and mime here you are to elicit it and then the T should write it down. Next T should write cashier and elicit: Thank you and have a good day. The dialogue should be as follows: Customer: Do you have coffee? Clerk: Yes, I do or No, I dont Customer: Where's the coffee? Clerk: The coffee is on shelf A. Customer: Can I have some coffee? Clerk: Here you are Customer: Thank you Customer: How much is the coffee? Cashier: It is $10 Customer: Here you are Cashier: Thank you and have a good day

Highlighting (1-1 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The T should underline the marker sentences in red so that the Ss particularly focus on those sentences.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The clarification will be done after the controlled practice because, the Ss should probably be exposed to most of the marker sentences so they must have an idea of the meaning of the target language. The part that they don't have an understanding of will be determined during the controlled practice and will be clarified afterwards. The T will get the Ss to act out, the role play that is on the board. The classroom will be arranged according to the size and the number of Ss. The T will place "Table 1" and "Table 2" in front of the compare it with the shelf at a supermarket that the Ss were shown in the beginning of class. Though if you have the necessary materials you can put a shelf like item on top of one desk and you will only need two clerks. There will be one clerk that is standing right next to the customer and one clerk behind the desk and one cashier who will be standing behind another desk. However if you don't have the necessary materials, you will need three clerks. Two behind the products and one behind the checkout. Then, the customers will be given a shopping list and they will have to ask the first clerk 2 questions: Do you have...? And where is it? Upon getting the answer to their question customers are going to walk towards the second clerk who is standing behind the desk with all the food is on. The customer will ask the clerk: Can I have ...? And the clerk will help out the customers. Next the customers will be walking towards the cashier for checkout and will ask How much is it? And the Cashier will answer and the role play will finish. The customer will put back the stuff that they got on the table and switch roles with other students so that everybody gets the chance to practice each role. And as people switch, the teacher will erase part of the dialogue until all of it is gone and Ss can successfully practice the target language.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

This time should be spent on clarifying errors that the Ss made during the controlled practice so that they don't make the same error doing the free practice.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will make their own shopping lists and practice with their partners in groups

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