TP #5 Vocabularly (Life Events)
Elementary level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of collocations in the context of significant life events
Subsidiary Aims
To provide speaking practice of relevant collocations in the context of life events
Procedure (45 minutes)
-T will show the students some photos from significant moments in his past, using the photos to elicit some of the necessary vocabulary that will be used later in the collocations and preteaching any words that they do not know. -Words to elicit- start school, university, study, lawyer, president, marriage, husband, wife, divorce, first job -T will wrap up the activity by asking: *What do all of these photos have in common? If 'life events' or 'important moments' isn't immediately elicited, have them talk in pairs for a minute. Make context clear
-Teacher will hand out slips of paper and instruct students that they will get up and go around the room, then stick their slip of paper under the picture they they believe best represents what their slip of paper says. Emphasize that some students have same slip so there will be two slips posted under some photos to avoid confusion *ICQs: What do you do with your slip of paper? FB: T will go around the room and check answers when they are done, and discuss any incorrect responses
-T will show Ss the handout on the projector as they are handing out copies of it. and do the example of the first one on the board. -Ss will work alone to complete the fill in the gap exercise giving the correct verb to complete the collocations. *ICQs are we working alone or in pairs? -When they are done, T will put Ss in pairs and they will check answers with each other -When that is done, teacher will show answer key on the projector
-Teacher will model and drill a couple of more difficult words from the collocations -T will put collocations on the board with the projector, and go through marking the stress on some of the more difficult ones -T will model full collocations and perform choral drilling
-Modelling an example with one of the more advanced students, T will break students into pairs of 'Teacher/Student' and instruct them quiz each other on by having one student say the verb of the collocation and having the other student say the rest of the collocation. Explain that to begin with, only one student will be quizzing the other -After students have quizzed all of the locations, T will instruct students to reverse roles *ICQs is the 'teacher' going to give the answer to the student? Are we working in pairs or groups?
-Will very briefly point out the fact that these collocations are either used in the past, present, or future and give example of each -T will break students into pairs and instruct them to tell each other which of the collocations apply to their own lives and practice discussing them -FB: Teacher will go around the room and nominate certain pairs, asking students to describe what their partners told them about themselves