Alican Garip Alican Garip

5. A Typical Day
Beginner level


The class will be test teach test.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Present Simple in the context of A Typical Day.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a mingle in the context of a typical day.


Warmer (4-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the context of the lesson

First, T will draw themselves on the board (stick figures). Then, Elicit from Ss what they think the T does everyday. T will write the info on the board.

First Test (8-10 minutes) • To test Ss current knowledge of and usability to use the present simple and identify what the issues are

T will explain to students that they will now complete a 'choose the correct words' exercise. When completed check in pairs. HO T will monitor to see where Ss have difficulty. Answers : Drinks | Loves | Studies | Eats | Teaches T will explain to Ss that they will now complete a 'make the sentences negative' exercise. When completed check in pairs. HO T will monitor to see where Ss have difficulty. Answers : Doesn't like | Doesn't like (love) | Doesn't study | Doesn't Drive | Doesn't teach

Teach (18-20 minutes) • To clarify issues with meaning, form or clarification

See Language Analysis for whatever the Ss are having problems with. If they are very curious about question form. Turn test 2 and test 4 into a question form activity.

Second Test (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled practice and test for improvement

T will explain test 3. It is similar to test 1 so Ss will be familiar with it. When completed check in pairs. HO Monitor to check for progress and or understanding. Answers: Drinks | Likes | Plays | Works | Lives T will explain test 3. It is similar to test 1 so Ss will be familiar with it. When completed check in pairs. HO Monitor to check for progress and or understanding. Answers: Doesn't drink | Doesn't like | Doesn't play | Doesn't work | Doesn't live

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