Henry Henry

intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to functional language to know how to order food in a restaurant. They will have a controlled practice followed by a free practice.


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Main Aims

  • functional language to order food in a restaurant.

Subsidiary Aims

  • speaking to practice useful phrases used in restaurants.


Lead-in/ Building context (2-3 minutes) • to engage Ss into the topic

I'll show them a picture of two situation in a restaurant. one of them the customers are nice and the other one customers are rude. I'll ask them " what's the difference between these two pictures then I'll tell them that we will listen to two conversation about these two pictures.

Listening task (5-6 minutes) • to contextualize and introduce the target language

Ss will listen to two conversation. both of these conversations are in a restaurant. I'll ask them " what's the difference between these two conversations " ? I will ask them for justification. then I will ask to work in pairs to talk about the difference between these two conversations and try to elicit some of the phrases for my TL

Highlighting target language (5-7 minutes) • to highlight the target language so that learners are focused on it

choose some phrases from the listening to explain my TL

Clarifying target language (8-10 minutes) • to clarify meaning, form and pronunciation.

I have 10 phrases, I will try to elicit the meaning of these phrases by asking CCQs. meaning : a) Excuse me. We're ready to order now. Is it polite ? does it mean they are ready to order ? should we say excuse me ? b)Can we have two coffees and the bill, please ? is it polite ? Who asks this customer or waiter ? should we say please ? will they order something else ? c) Yes, a table for two in the name of brown. who says this customer or waiter ? is it question or answer ? what could be the question ? d) Yes, two gin and tonics, please. who says this customer or waiter ? is it polite ? is it answer or question ? what could be the question? should we say please ? e) I'll have the grilled salmon steak. who says this customer or waiter ? is it order or question ? what could be the question ? f)do you have anything new the window ? who says this ? is it order in a question form or real question ? g)No, I'll all right, thank you. who says this ? is it polite ? what could be the question ? should we say thank you ? h) I'll have the lamb, please ? same CCQs for e I) it was lovely, thank you is it order ? who says this ? is it feedback ? should we say thank you ? j) Not quite. Could you give me us a few more minutes ? who says this ? Form: Answers or order in a positive form: c, d, j, e and h ordering in a question form : b and f answer to give feedback : i Pronunciation : model and drill

Language practice (6-8 minutes) • to provide controlled practice

Gaps-fill controlled practice about functional phrases. answer individually then check answers with partner. then handout key answers

Language practice (10 minutes) • to provide semi-controlled practice (role play)

divide the class into groups each group has 3 Ss. one is the waiter and two are customer. hand out a menu for a restaurant. so students can use functional phrases

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