Amber Amber

Big Events Vocabulary
B2 level


In this lesson Ss will identify vocabulary that is associated with big events or ceremonies. They will match extreme adjectives with their equivalent meanings and discover which intensifiers can be used with extreme adjectives.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Bi
  • To provide clarification of special occasion vocabulary in the context of big events and celebration

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of big events and celebrations.


Warm-Up (3-5 minutes) • To engage the students and set the context of the lesson.

Use the visual aids and ask the Ss "What different events/celebrations are happening in the photos?" "Which would you most likely attend?" and "Why?"

Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set the context for the target language

Using the visual aids posted on the WB Matching Exercise- Hand out cut-ups of the vocabulary to the students, have them match them with what they think it could be associated with.

FB (2-3 minutes) • Test what they know.

Have the class help me correct any cut-ups if some are incorrectly matched. Go over spectators cheering, a procession, people carrying placards, people singing and chanting, and a demonstration. Clarify the meaning. - these could be correctly placed but it is possible they may not know exactly why

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • to practice speaking with the vocabulary in the context of big events/celebrations

Have the students look at the photos details keeping in mind the vocabulary we just went over. (2) Remove the visual aids and put the students into small groups. (PW or GW) Give instructions for the speaking portion. You will discuss the questions as a group and use the vocabulary we used to match with the photos. ICQ: Are you going to use the vocabulary we matched with the photos? Show an example first. "In which country do you think the photo of the wedding was taken? Why?" Maybe India, its looks as if they are wearing traditional Hindu clothing. If time is not running smoothly assign questions for each group.

FB (2 minutes) • to clarify if the use of the vocabulary was used and do error correction of pronunciation

Nominate a S from each group to answer a question that they discussed. Do some error correction on pronunciation if needed.

Vocabulary Exercise (5 minutes) • Introduce second part of vocabulary

Match-up Cut-up exercise individually, then peer check answers. Give Answer Key FB- Ask for the equivalent meaning of very noisy, very wet, very tired, and a few more if needed depending on monitoring.

Intensifiers (2-3 minutes) • Students shall be able to identify which intensifiers can be used before extreme adjectives

Elicit: which intensifiers (quite, really, absolutely) can I put before (extreme adjective).

Controlled Practice (15 minutes) • To practice the second part of the vocabulary.

Fill in the Gap- Ss will fill in the gaps with the extreme adjective used in the previous exercise. Do example a with them first. "The procession takes place at night in the middle of winter: wear warm clothes or you''ll be absolutely freezing." ICQ- Which Vocabulary are you going to use? Part A or Part B. FB- Nominate a student from the pair to read a sentence from the exercise.

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