Jonas Bernhard Jonas Bernhard

TP3: Functional Language
Beginner (A1) level


In this lesson, Ss learn are introduced to and become familiar with functional language they need to be able to order some food and beverages (like coffee) by learning a dialogue to order at the counter. In a first stage, the context of a cafe will be set and the Ss will be introduced to crucial vocab. In a second stage the Ss will be provided with simple sentence structures and controlled practice and drilling. In a final stage the Ss will get more practice ending with free application of the TL.


Abc Colored cards
Abc Audio CD Beginner, CD1, Track 68
Abc HO, semi-controlled Ex.
Abc ITI beverage counter & Staff

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for order of food and beverages in the context of a cafe

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of ordering at a cafe


Warmer/Lead-in (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will start with little model roleplay (with the assistance of a dear CELTA Student) to show Ss what this lesson will be about. After the roleplay, T will show 4 pictures of a coffee and a cafe, sandwiches and croissants (elicit the words). T will elicit customer & assistant from Ss based on the demo before.

Exposure (7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

To expose the Ss themselves to the TL, they read a conversation of a customer with a shop assistant. Before they read the dialogue, T clarifies that the Ss primarily focus on the "customer side" of the dialogue. 1) The Ss will read on their own and fill in the blanks by using words from the box above and crossing out the words already used. 2) when they're done, they will check in PW 3) T hands out WS to Ss, they start TEACHER: write down down difficult words (take away, eat in, help?) on WB, to elicit or explain later, monitor 4) Ss check in PW 5) Class FB, pair wise

Highlighting (4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the Ss read and filled in the conversation, T will shortly elicit and provide Ss with the missing words they might not understand (e.g. take away, eat in, help) to totally highlight the TL by referring to the demo at the beginning of the lesson. Having the words on WB, T referrs to the demo or demonstrates again if needed

Clarification (6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss listen to Ex. 68 on Audio file: M: We use that vocab to order food & drinks at cafes, write "cafe" on WB 1) you listen carefully, alone - when it stops, you work in...2) PW: one is the customer, one is the assistant > talk to each other, T monitors 3) Listen again; T stops after every bit: choral drilling & individual drilling (possibly) > pronunciation > form (next activity)

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Regrouping: Age of the Ss > line up; T groups the Ss in three or PW each group is given colored cards. Instruction: 1) Together, put the Conversation in the right order on a desk from top to bottom 2) do NOT use your WS to help (flip it around) 3) raise your hand when you're done > teacher monitors if Ss do it correctly 4) T prepares next Task on WB, shuffles correct answers in the end 2nd Task: T forms 2 bigger groups 1) Start in front of the board; blanks drawn on board, show Ss 2) team decides together the correct order, one Person runs to board and sticks it accordingly in the blank, runs back, next,...first teams raises hands & wins 2) 2 teams spread in two corners, T gives them shuffled cards, do NOT use your WS 3) GO 4) T observes rules, checks firs team in the end!

Semi-Controlled Practice (6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Ss should be able to to the conversation pretty ok by themselves now. WC mingling exercise with moving students: 1) Ss stand up and get a HO to help a little 2) Ss will walk around, start playing customers and assistants, they need to fill the gaps with meaningful content 3) switch A and C role > ICQ do you always do A..? No! 4) give HO, GO > monitor and help

Free Practice (6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

To practice freely, we leave the Classroom! Instructions first(!) 1) T splits class in half 2) Go to ITI counter, resp. to main desk (dear CELTA teacher assists), one after another and do your order, freely (water, coffee, tea, banana, sandwich, etc) 3) group A with CELTA teacher, group B with me 4) you take nothing with you 5) GO! Monitor & help out

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