Hatice Granados Fuquene Hatice Granados Fuquene

Reading and Vocabulary
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, ss are introduced vocabulary about health through a reading text about what is good and what is bad for life. The lesson starts with a discussion about pictures they come across on their handouts and ss talk about what they expect the article to be about. This is followed by a vocabulary exercise which ss guess the meanings and group the words as it is asked to be. Finally there is some controlled practice through reading for scanning and free practice via a pair-work speaking activity.


Abc Answer Key Handouts
Abc Cut-ups

Main Aims

  • To introduce vocabulary about health

Subsidiary Aims

  • Scanning. To give Ss practice in speaking for fluency


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To get Ss attention through pictures and ask them to talk about what they expect the article to be about

Get Ss attention through pictures and ask them to look at the title on pg 19 and tell you what they expect the article to be about. Make sure Ss understand that you will be talking about things that are good and bad for you.

Pre-Reading (4-5 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the text and make it accessible

Write the titles 'Good for you', 'Bad for you' on the board. Ex. 1a. Ask Ss to complete the list with the suggestions in the book. Ex. 1b. Check that they can think of any other. Encourage Ss to give reasons for their answers.

Gist Reading (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with less challenging gist reading

Put Ss in pairs, tell them who is student A and who is student B. Ask them to read only Part A or Part B of the article. Ask ICQ's (Instruction Check Questions) to clarify any misunderstanding. Give Ss one minute to look through their part to find any of the items listed in exercises 1a and 1b. Allow time and monitor.

Detailed Reading (6-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with more challenging detailed reading

Give Ss five minutes to read their part again and answer their questions by ticking the correct alternative. Monitor and make sure that Ss are answering correctly, by looking at the ticks.

Language Focus (5-6 minutes) • To work on the vocabulary

Deal with the vocabulary at this stage. Point out to the bolded vocabulary in the text and encourage Ss to guess the meaning, but if necessary to use their dictionaries. May be you could prepare a hand out for Ss to match the words with their meanings.

Freer practice/Personalisation (5-6 minutes) • To have Ss talk in pairs

Put Ss in pairs and ask them to close their books. Have Ss talk in pairs, then the most/the least surprising can be reported to the class. Make sure Ss get equal speaking and talking time. Ex. 3a/b.

Personalisation (7-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with more challenging detailed reading

Keep Ss in their pairs, ask them to open their books and give them time to read the other part of the article. Give a few minutes to discuss the questions in Ex. 4 pg.18. Monitor and help if necessary. Encourage Ss to use the vocabulary they've learnt. Check ideas with the whole class.

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learnt.

Ss complete Ex. 1 from W/B pg.12. Have Ss work in pairs without looking back at the words from the book. Monitor and help if necessary. Hand out the answers for Ss to check.

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