1. Gradable / Non-Gradable Adjectives
Intermidiate level
Main Aims
Vocabulary: To understand the differences between gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
Reading For Specific Information
Subsidiary Aims
Speaking: To use gradable and non-gradable adjectives to speak about emotions in dramatic situations using appropriate stress and intonation.
Procedure (38-45 minutes)
Ask Question "How did 'Dead Mike' explain skydiving?" Use this to link to Highlighting Target Language Activity.
The students will be divided into 4 (four) or 5 (five) groups depending on the number of students. Teacher will give instructions to students about matching the handouts. The gradable adjectives in the flashcards will be highlighted. Teacher will handout flashcards for students to match. After the time limits is finished, the teacher will ask the students if they had a highlighted word. After the students raise their hand, the teacher will ask them why they think their highlighted. Finally the teacher will explain what gradable adjectives are, and the difference between gradable and non gradable adjectives..
The teacher will write 5 (words) on the board: Absolutely Extremely Fairly Really Very Then the teacher will make a chart on the board: With 'Gradable' Adjectives | With 'Non-Gradable' Adjectives This is _______ Good! | This is _______ incredible! Then the teacher will ask the students which word they can put in the blanks, if they can use the words in both spaces and ask them what other words they can use. Then the teacher will pass out the matching handout. Students will have to put the correct words in the correct list.
The teacher will pair the students. The class will listen to 2 (two) audio files. Then, the teacher will mark on the board the intonation of one or two words. Let students listen to audio files and try to mark the intonations on their own. Then work in pairs.
Pass out list of 8 words for possible answers. Ask students the questions on speaking section page 13. Allow students to respond. Give students the questions and ask each other in pairs.