Listening and speaking.
Beginners level

Main Aims
To practice listening for specific information and controlled speaking in the context of travelling abroad.
Subsidiary Aims
To review/practise vocabulary related to travelling.
Procedure (36-49 minutes)
The lesson will start with showing the students some pictures of york. Ask them if they can guess where and what are they. then a lead in discussion about york history.
The students will listen to four conversations. Each one twice, then work in pairs on the exercises in the hand out.
I'll show the students some photos for the new vocabulary trying to elicit from them. Then drill the new words.
In pairs students will work on exercise 3 (match the words with the pictures). Then listen to a CD track and check their answers.
The students will listen to CD track 2.18 and 2.19. but then I'll do the drilling myself.
The students will work in pairs to ask answer informations regarding New York city.