Elif CELIK 02 Dec 2013 Grammar - Passive Voice
Intermediate level
Main Aims
to provide practice in passive voice
Subsidiary Aims
to provide practice of passive voice in writing and speaking
Procedure (22-34 minutes)
In this part, the teacher will examine the knowledge of Ss before going on the activity through a few questions in passive voice. Also, this would enable Ss to get ready for the upcoming activities like a warm-up.
Ss will be asked to look at some of the passive forms in the text and will also be elicited form and meaning ('' verb be + past participle'' ) when its often used- ( in newspaper articles)/ and when the action is more important rather than the 'doer' (then they will be given the first activity where they need to re-write the sentences in passive form. then , the teacher checks answers and review the way passive is formed. Them, Ss are asked to identify the tenses a) Past Simple passive b)Past continuous passive c)present perfect passive d) past perfect passive. Ss come on board and put the right answers in order.
In this activity, Ss will have been asked to agree or disagree by the following three statements. This would enable the teacher to see Ss comprehension on the passive form. FB will be provided on a piece of paper outside the class and Ss need to find them out.
for this activity, Ss get to practice more on the passive voice. The teacher demonstrates the first example and then asks Ss to complete the rest and once they are done to peer check. FB will be provided on the board and/or will be handed out to Ss.
Speaking part of the activity, students get to review and practice the forms of passive particularly by asking each other questions. So, Ss work in pairs and pairs could be changed later on within the speedy pupils. if time allows, a quick FB will be provided by eliciting answers from random Ss.