Hamed Ashraf Hamed Ashraf

Hamed Ashraf TP6
Intermediate level


With 2 main aims for this lesson, ss learn some vocabulary found in newspapers stories through participating in a task where language areas are clarified with each step of the task. Ss will then, encounter the aforementioned vocabulary while reading newspapers stories for gist. Ss produce short stories of their own experience or from their own making entirely.


Abc Audio Tracks
Abc Funny sound Toys
Abc music
Abc Flashcards
Abc TL Definitions
Abc TL vocabulary cards
Abc reading text

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about news in the context of reading news stories.
  • To provide clarification and practice of some crime lexis in the context of reading news stories.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of news stories
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about News stories in the context of reading newspapers stories.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of news stories
  • To provide detailed and deduction listening practice in a task where ss mark stressed sylables in each of the TL


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- T sits on a low level 2- T : "Does anyone here still reads newspapers ?" 3- T : "Were you used to reading newspapers in the past?" 4- T personalise the context by saying "I only read it once in my life, it's when one newspaper published a story about me" " did that happen to any of you before ?" Note: this stage and the next will also serve as a pre-listening stage, due to them activating schemata and making the text more accessible fore Ss.

Clarification (10-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Exposure and highlighting are also taking place during this stage. 1- T splits the ss into teams 2- T hands out the definitions to each team with the vocab cards and gives them the audios using a computer or on pre prepared phones. (T hands certain people on the teams a certain order of definitions. this is based on background and needs awareness) 3- T shows a flashcard (the order of the flashcards shown are based on the background and needs awareness) and starts demonstrating the task by saying :" Step 1. find the definition of this picture. once you find it hit the toy and say the number." 4- Ss read through the definitions and finds the correct definition( if not, T sensitively feedbacks and motivates them to try again) 5- T: " great, now, Step 2. listen to the definition's number on the phone and underline where the stress is on the words you have" (using arousing competition intonation and gestures) 6- T: "Now is it verb or noun" (indicating where they should put verbs and nouns) 7- T: " Step3. get the flashcard, the definition and the stress and put them in the correct places) 8- T: Repeats the previous steps until the task is properly demonstrated" 9- T: " so Step 1, when you see the picture ?......(find the correct definition), and then ? (underline the stress) and step 3 decide whether it is? (verb) or ? (noun) 10 - T's role is only to hang the flashcards and gives feedback on the ss choice of definitions. 11- T rewards the winning team.

Controlled Practice (8-11 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1- T: "I too want to be a journalist" to a certain St 2- T: and I prepared these news stories to publish in the newspaper but the headlines and the topics of the stories got mixed and I need your help" "Please read the stories and help me match the stories with their correct headlines" 3- T ICQs if finds necessary. 4- T Hands out the reading texts. (Note: T estimates time left til the end of the lesson and based on that, chooses whether to play the listening track" 5- T monitors. (this stage is also to serve as a while reading stage) T : " check your answers in pair now" 6- T feedbacks 7- T reports from ss their favourite stories (which is a discussion to be as a post reading stage)

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1- T : "Now, write a short true story of yourself like those you read" 2- T Monitors 3- T Group ss then : "now, read your story to your friends" 4- T feedbacks and asks Ss about their favourite story

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