Fatima Bastaki Fatima Bastaki

Reading and Writing
Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson, students practice reading and learn about habits and lifestyle of the Okinawan people. This is followed by a gist reading, specific information reading and an infering reading task. Finally there is post-reading speaking acitivy for students, giving an oppotunity to speak about their own cultural habits and lifestyle.


Abc 3C Reading text
Abc 3C Reading exercise (d)
Abc 3C Reading exercise (b)

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and inference reading practice using a text about healthy lifestyles of Okinawan culture

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Turkish lifestyle


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Before the lesson starts, T engages the students with the context by asking concept questions; ''My grandfather is 92 years old and she is still very active, is this normal in Turkey? How long do most people live? 70 years old? 80 years old? Is it normal to live to 100? Why?'' "Do you think that's a low or a high number?" "Do you think Turkish people eat healthy or exercise enough?"

Pre-Reading (Global Understanding) (5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T shows pictures of different people and cultures on their lifestyle and eating habits. T elicits from Ss; "How old do you think this African person is? Do they look healthy?" "Do you think the eating habits of this American person is healthy?" "Do Japanese people live a long and healthy life? Why do you think so?" T then shortly introduces Takanashi from the reading text by displaying some pictures of him and his culture, in order to set the context of the Okinawan people. T may ask students; "How long do you think people live in this culture?"

While-Reading #1 (2-3 minutes) • Gist Reading Task

Gist Task: T instructs Ss to read the text and match the appropriate heading for some of the paragraphs in the text. Ss are then asked to peer check in pairs or groups to check their answers. Each group is given a cut-out phrase of the heading to place it on the white board for the whole class to confirm and agree to their answers. T checks meaning, form and drilling of the answers; 'Active', 'Stress', 'Exercise' and 'Healthy diet'. This helps students to use these words/phrases in the post-reading activity.

While-Reading #2 (7-10 minutes) • Reading for Specific information

Specific Information Task: T instructs Ss to answer the questions with specific information from the text. Ss are then asked to peer check their answers in pairs or groups. Feedback is done by nominating a student from each group to justify and read out their answers.

While-Reading #3 (6-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging inference reading

T instructs Ss to work on a multiple choice questions task. This task needs more time for students to understand the meaning of the text, therefore monitoring is important to ensure students are not confused and are on task. T asks students to peer check and discuss their answers. Feedback is set by asking some students in groups for answers.

Post-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T asks students to speak about their own culture. T may project the questions on the white board/provide some examples. Speaking Task: "Do people in Turkey live like the Okinawans? What's different? What's the same?" Ss will be working in pairs. During this activity, T can monitor Ss to assist or correct errors. Feedback is set by asking students in pairs to read out their small write-up text. Monitoring is ensured to take notes on their errors for delayed error correction.

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