Namat Abou Saed Namat Abou Saed

Teaching Practice 7b
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the verbs of the senses (She looks like, she looks as if, she looks). The lesson starts by looking at pictures of an actor and trying to deduce how he looks from his facial expressions. The context is about acting and how actors and actresses 'look' in certain images and then the language that is used in this type of situation.. Finally there is a controlled practice through circling the correct form of the verbs of senses and then a freer practice that gets the students talk to a partner and describe things using the verbs of the senses so their partner can guess. By the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of the verbs and will have had enough practice using that language and can better use these verbs to describe things or people.


Abc WB
Abc Oral guided discovery
Abc Set of pictures
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the verbs of the senses through the deduction of facial expressions in the context of actors acting.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of actors acting.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will start by asking, "who has good facial expressions?" T will show the Ss 4 shots of Mr. Bean taken from a movie. In every picture the actor has different facial expression and is doing different things. T will ask the Ss look at the pictures. T will ask Ss "How does he look? Why?" "Does he look as if he has a good time in the party? Why?" T will ask Ss to discuss in pairs. T will elicit some opinions.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation.

T will tell Ss to look at the photo of actress Fran Drescher playing a role. T will chest a HO and tell Ss to look at the 3 sentences in their pairs and choose a, b, c T will elicit some opinion but will not tell the Ss if they are right or not. T will then tell Ss to listen to someone talking about the photo and check if their guess were right. (listening here is just for the purpose of checking their answer) * If all Ss guessed correctly T will say that the actress was clearly playing her role well! May not be needed: T will have had the questions on the WB and will elicit (1a, 2b, 3c) by asking 3 different Ss to come up to the WB to choose the right answer.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will now have 3 sentences on the WB 1- I think she looks scared 2- I think she looks like a young mother 3- I think she looks as if she has just heard a noise T will underline,'looks' sentence 1, 'looks like' in sentence 2, and 'looks as if' in sentence.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T will focus on the sentences on the board. Meaning clarification: T will point to the word "look" on the board and will ask "does look in this sentence mean to see?" [No] "So what is it used for"? "Does that indicate what my expression is?" [Yes]. T with an angry gesture can ask "how do I look?" [you look angry] T will go through the other two sentences asking CCQs or just eliciting from Ss) Oral discovery for form clarification: T will ask Ss to look at the sentence and decide what kind of words or phrases do they use after looks, looks like, and looks as if? T will elicit ALL the answers and use a different colored marker to write: looks + adjective looks like + noun looks as if + subject and verb *T will tell the say that other verbs of senses (feels, smells, tastes, sounds) can be formed the same way as above after trying to elicit from Ss. T will write them on the WB. Pronunciation: T will model and drill the whole sentence chorally and individually. *The clarification stage will be short in order to provide Ss with opportunity for more practice and production.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T will chest out the HO. T will ask the Ss to circle the correct form of the verb. T will give the HO and start monitoring immediately. T will ask the Ss to check their answers with their partners. T will get some feedback with justifications and then provide the Ss with answer key.

Free Practice (12-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T will will not chest the communication activity Students (A and Student B) so the Ss won't see the pictures they are meant to guess after their partner has explain. T will tell Ss that they have 5 items in their paper that they need to describe to their partner using the verbs of the senses. " what kind of thing each one is, and then use looks, smells, feels, or tastes. T will demo with a watermelon in mind :) T will remind the Ss that they must not say what the item is but they must describe it and that if their partner doesn't guess it move to the next item. ICQ: Are you telling your partner what items you have? [No] describing Are you just using any sentences like it is green, it is big? [No] using verbs of senses. T will monitor and write down any errors. T will get feedback and find out who guessed the most right.

If extension time *Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T will group Ss by assigning each person a feeling e.g: you look happy, you look positive, you look interested etc and then group them together. T will provide Ss with a set of pictures of professional actors and actresses performing roles. T will tell the Ss that they will have a secretary in each group who will be responsible for writing what their groups say. T will ask Ss to think of 2 sentences for each picture and tell their secretary to write it. The sentences should all have verbs of senses. T will finally ask groups to exchange their writing with other groups and read aloud.

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