Mira Kamelova-Özusta Mira Kamelova-Özusta

Beginners level


students will be presented with Past Present Tense, use interactive activites and have a conversation about their daily routine.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of past simple tense in the context of daily routine

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of daily routine


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sticks the picture of Angie and Rick on the board and asks question what did Angie ask Rick about? to elicit the sentences from ss. write on WB at the top: What did you do yesterday? -Well I got up early and I played tennis with some friends. Quick concept check Are they about the past or present? (past) Was Rick on tennis court yesterday? (yesterday)

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

What did you do yesterday? -Well I got up early and I played tennis with some friends. T underlines the "played", "did" and "got up" and asks ss in pairs to find another words like this in handout listening transcript.

Focus on meaning, form (10-10 minutes) • to clarify the meaning, form

What did you do yesterday? - Well I got up early and I played tennis some friends. _past ___________________present ___________________future __ T draw a timeline Ask ss when did these things happen in Past or Present? (past) What kind of tense we use to tell about past things? (past simple) T divides WB into two - regullar and irregular T gives example and form T underlines the part - I played tennis (we make regular past form by adding ed) write it in regular part and notes above S + v-ed T underlines the part - what did you do yesterday? (Irregular past verbs have different forms and have to learnt) - writes it in irregular part and notes S+irregular verb. T distributes the Irregular verbs sheets and says that these verbs have to be learnt

controlled activity (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice TL

T gives ss the ex. write regular and irregular verbs (6-8 min) Ss check in pairs FB and error correction if required

semi-controlled activity (8-10 minutes) • To provide ss with semi-controlled activity

T asks ss to fill in gaps in Angie's weekend text (5-8 min) check in groups, one of the ss read anwer key FB and error correction if required

Language Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

T distributes ss blank papers and ask them to describe last weekend (5 min) T asks ss work in pairs and ask each other about their weekends (5-10 min) FB and error correction if required

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