Present Perfect Simple-Demo#6
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of the Present Perfect Simple in the context of time zones
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a dialogue in the context of personal experiences
Procedure (36-46 minutes)
The lesson context (time zones) will have been already set in the previous lesson. T will tell Ss to turn the reading page backwards (to hide it) T will ask Ss to remind her of an important event in the previous reading. Ss will work as a group to figure out the answer and the first group will be the winner. (competitive atmosphere to engage students and activate their previous knowledge)
T will use PPT to make Ss answer a series of questions individually and as a group to help them discover the meaning of the TL by using a marker sentence taken from the reading in the previous lesson Group check, WCFB
After eliciting, T will provide further clarification via PPT on how to use for/since to indicate unfinished time. T will give Ss the gap-fill HO1 to help them obtain practice. T will be monitoring. Peer check and answer key. Then, T will continue with further CCQs to let Ss discover the difference between the past simple and the present perfect simple. Further clarification and the gap-fill HO2 to help Ss practice with for/since/in Peer check and answer key. Then, the second step of the TL, T will give Ss the gap-fill HO3 to help them practice the difference between the past simple and the present perfect simple. T will monitor. Peer check and answer key. Hot correction of common mistakes (if there's any as a result of monitoring)
T will give Ss speaking cards to help them make up sentences by using the TL e.g. How long/learn/English ? How long/live/İstanbul ? T will tell Ss stand up and mingle and find out as many answers as they can for the Qs and write them down T will monitor and collect common mistakes for WCFB at the end of the activity to do error correction on the WB