Collocation have, do and go
Beginners A2 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification, review and practice of of verb collocations of have, go and do in the context of daily activities
Subsidiary Aims
To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of what you did yesterday using collocations of "do, go and have" in the past simple.
Procedure (37-48 minutes)
- T sticks three A3 pictures related to daily activities on the WB and asks sts what they see. - T tries to elicit; have lunch - do my homework and go shopping - T draws a timeline and tries to elicit the tense of each sentence written on each picture, for eg: what tense is the first sentence ?" They have lunch at 1pm", Ss should say present simple, why ? because it's their daily routine.
T asks sts work alone to write the words next to the correct verb (activity n°2 p70.) for 3mins. T ICQs Ss: are you going to speak to your partner ? No. Are you going to work alone or in pairs? Alone. T distributes HO. When sts are finished, T instructs sts to peer-check. Then T asks sts to write the answers on the board. WC FB
T makes sure sts can pronounce the collocations correctly. T checks Sts understand the difference between do my homework and do the housework. Then, teacher asks the sts to write the past form of have do and go. Then T checks answers WC FB
After checking the answers of the past form. The teacher instructs the sts to work individually for 6 mins to do activity n°4 p70 to complete the sentences with went, had and did. ICQs and once they finish, T plays the recording, sts listen to the answers and check their answers. T gets sts to drill with WC
To personalize some of the collocations with weaker sts, T writes the first sentence of exercise n°4 p70 and tries to elicit possible answer for it. then T asks sts to complete the task individually. When they're finished, sts check their partner's answers.
T elicits one or two examples of what the sts did. Then T asks them to describe what they did without looking back their complete sentences in order to practice and produce the TL. T ICQs, puts sts in pairs, monitors. T error corrects