Cansevil Tumanbay Cansevil Tumanbay

Demo #5 Listening in the context of computers
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students are going to practice one of the receptive skills, namely, listening thoroughly in the context of computers. The lesson starts with a short speaking session to warm Ss up. Next, a pre-teach vocabulary part takes place via a gap-fill handout to work in pairs in order to avoid probable difficulties through audio tracks that may develop from unknown words. Then, students are going to practice listening for gist, listening for detailed comprehension and listening for specific information in turns, together with relevant handouts. Finally, more detailed vocabulary practice is going to take place focusing on clarification of meaning, pronouncation and stress.


Abc Audio track 2.08
Abc Audio track 2.09
Abc Audio track 2.10
Abc Audio track 2.12
Abc Audio track 2.11
Abc Audio track 2.13
Abc Match the problems HO
Abc Match the words-definitions HO
Abc Gap-fill handout #1
Abc Gap-fill handout #2
Abc Visual 1
Abc Visual 2
Abc Question Sheet

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, specific information and detailed listening practice using a text about problems with computers in the context of computers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of computer terminology in the context of computers


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will put two visuals on the WB and elicit basic computer terminology through them. Then, T will ask Ss to work in groups and speak up their problems about computers to warm them up. T will monitor and ask WCFB at the end.

Pre teach vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To review more common vocabulary within the audio tracks to facilitate their comprehension

T will give Ss gap-fill HO #1 which includes visuals related to computer world and relevant terminology with missing letters. T will ask Ss to work in pairs and fill-in the blanks. T will monitor and finally hand in the answer key.

While-Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist tasks

First, T will ask Ss to work individually and focus on the main idea of each audio track. For each track, T will ask Ss to focus on the main problem and write down the problem with one or two words. T will play the audio tracks in turn while Ss are taking notes. Then, T will ask Ss to check their answers with their partner. Second, T will hand in Match the problems HO and tell Ss work in groups and discuss the answers T will provide the answer key.

While-Listening #2 (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

T will give Ss the Question Sheet for detailed comprehension of listening tracks and provide some claification on questions on the WB via PPT to facilitate the students' comprehension and encourage them in advance. After going through the questions, T will ask Ss work individually and answer the questions as they listen. T will play audio tracks in turn and then tell Ss to check their answers in pairs. T will monitor their checking and take notes of common mistakes WCFB

While-Listening#3 (5-6 minutes) • To provide an opportunity with a less challanging listening for specific information task

T will give Ss Gap fill HO #2 and tell them to work individually to fill it up while listening. T will play the relevant audio and let Ss check their answers as a group.

Post Listening-short activity (vocabulary) (6-7 minutes) • To clarify computer terminology and practice pronounciation/stress

T will hand in Match the words-definitions HO and ask Ss to work in pairs. T will provide the answer key on the WB via PPT for clarification of meaning. Then, T will make Ss practice pronounciation and stress through the sentences on the WB. T will modal the pronounciation and stress and make Ss repeat after her.

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