Gizem Dolu Gizem Dolu

Lost-Part 1
B1 level


In this lesson students...


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of should have + past participle in the context of getting lost

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide inference reading practice using a text about things that were ideal in the past but which didn’t happen in the context of getting lost


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss how they feel today Tell Ss that they will read a story. Show Ss the first photo of the story. Elicit lost by asking : "Does he know where he is? Ask them to discuss how and why he got lost Nominate two students and ask them to share their ideas.

Exposure I (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Tell Ss that they will read a story about a lost boy. Show the hand-out and tell students that they will match the words and their meanings before they read the story. Pass out the HOs Give 4 mins. Ask Ss to compare their answers with their partners. Tell Ss that the answer key is under their tables. If there are any mistakes, let ss explain each other.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Ask students to read the text and underline the sentences that have should have + past participle structure. Write three of these sentences on the board. Now he realizes that he shouldn’t have separated from the hiking group. He should have listened to the hiking leader. He also should have brought a trail map with him.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ask these concept checking questions to make them understand whey they use should have + V3 -Does he feel happy about leaving the hiking group? (no) -Should he listen to the hiking leader? (yes) -Did he listen to the hiking leader? (no) -Does he feel bad about it? (yes) -Does he need to bring a trail map with him? (yes) -Did he bring it with him? (no) Tell Ss that we use should have + part participle to talk about things that were ideal in the past but which didn’t happen. It can express regret. Highligh the form of affirmative and negative sentences. Underline the structure again and ask students to repeat after you.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ask students to read the text again and find the answers of the questions behind the paper. Give students 6 mins. Ask ss to check their answers with their partners. Nominate ss and ask the questions and check their answers.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further

Ask students to think of a time when they didn’t succeed at something (ex. Losing a race, failing a test etc. ) Ask them to write in on a small piece of paper. Then turn on the radio and ask students to mingle and change their papers with their classmates as many times as possible. When the music ends, ask them to keep the paper with them and read it and write the answer of this question. "What should you have done differently in order to succeed?" While they are writing, monitor them and help them correct their mistakes. If you have time, ask them to read one by one. If you do not have time, take them home and check again.

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